This prompted finance minister, Sammy Wilson, to accuse the judge of behaving arrogantly.
Olmert brushed aside the public's demand for his resignation by emptily, arrogantly and repeatedly pledging to correct his own mistakes.
Like many formerly great companies, Rangers arrogantly refused to heed the warnings.
FORBES: What Can We Learn From the Financial Meltdown of Glasgow Rangers FC?
Gliding up the corporate ladder, I thought I boded well with workplace challenges and arrogantly assumed I was too good to be stressed.
FORBES: Against All Stereotypes: Stress, Depression, Recovery, and Then?
It could either seem endearingly self-deprecating or arrogantly smug.
But companies that have in the past arrogantly dismissed their concerns as irrational or minority views have paid, as did Coca-Cola, Nike, Ford and Monsanto, with falling share prices, profits and even their chief executive's jobs.
Paradoxically, the only way the young man can gain the wisdom he seeks is by ridding himself of the selfish motivations that inspired him to arrogantly approach the Rabbi in the first place, loudly proclaiming his qualifications.
The affair grows more heated, even though Lady Viola is engaged (against her will ... which would be considered a brilliant pun if it were included in the film) to the arrogantly possessive Lord Essex (Colin Firth).
The Marlins are putting all of their eggs in one basket and arrogantly assuming that their new ball park will instantaneously provide a windfall of revenues and that the fans will turn out in droves on a nightly basis.
"By arrogantly insisting on the most expensive scheme of all and crudely dismissing attempts by the Conservatives and others to suggest alternatives, the Lib-Lab pact stand accused of gross incompetence and an indecent disregard for the public finances, " he said.
The old language of journalism defines a moment in history, one defined by technology and social change that bestowed upon reporters and editors the power (often arrogantly perceived as authority) to be the sole collectors and decision-makers of worthy news.
There is a reason why shows like the Jersey shore and Buck Wild are pop culture sensations and for whatever reason, the GOP has arrogantly ignored what for most of us in the entertainment industry have known as, common sense marketing.
FORBES: The Entertainment And Culture Divide- The Failure of Marco Rubio's GOP Response to SOTU
Firstly, he stated that he 'shouldn't have to make the case for Euro entry, ' because it was so 'obvious, ' which is typically New Labour, in that it arrogantly assumes that there are no valid opinions but the opinions he himself holds.
In an age where we tend rather arrogantly to see Christianity as a phenomenon of the developed world - the faith that colonising Europeans took to the territories they conquered - it's worth remembering that the Middle East is the cradle of that faith.
Burton is a firm believer in the myth that vaccines cause autism, and he arrogantly holds the position that he knows the truth better than the thousands of scientists who have spent much of the past decade doing real science that proves him wrong.