Not long ago it was common to write about modern art, particularly abstract art, as if the work, but not the painter, existed.
In its relatively short lifetime, abstract art has been illuminated (and obscured) by two influential critical attitudes.
Later, after World War II, when critics and curators at last warmed to abstract art, it was Jackson Pollockthey embraced--not the earlier cubists.
The self-conscious modernism of "Time Out" and "Mingus Ah Um" was announced on their covers, both of which featured abstract art by S. Neil Fujita.
WSJ: Mercurial Charles Mingus | Mingus Ah Um | Masterpiece by Eric Felten
It sounds like atonal music, or so goes the joke, a one-liner as inescapable as the popular response to abstract art: My child could paint that.
FORBES: How Cory Arcangel Makes Art Memes Out Of YouTube Videos And Super Mario Bros.
It took a while, but finally the art world is appreciating the role played by Frelinghuysen, Morris, Shaw and Gallatin in developing a uniquely American form of abstract art.
Because the best abstract art has the power to cut through the rigid conventions of direct representation and externalize interior essences to show us things not as they look, but as they are.
WSJ: The Seductive Lure of Abstraction | Sightings by Terry Teachout
While the plein-air paintings of the Impressionists and post-Impressionists seem studied in comparison with the informality of these watercolors, we search the Sargents for evidence that their creator was aware of the developments in abstract art during the first decades of the 20th century.
The wall of a jail cell, smeared with excrement as an act of protest, was filmed with such compositional care that it became, in effect, a work of abstract art, allowing us to forget what it actually was: human waste, applied with human rage, and surely unbearable to the human nose.
At Sears you could purchase contemporary art by leading Abstract Expressionists such as Robert Motherwell.
FORBES: Costco Is Now Selling Matisse. Why Not Take On Gagosian Gallery?
ABSTRACT:THE ART WORLD review of the Cindy Sherman retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art.
ABSTRACT:THE ART WORLD review of the George Bellows retrospective at the National Gallery, in Washington, D.
ABSTRACT:THE ART WORLD review of the new Willem de Kooning retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art.
ABSTRACT:THE ART WORLD about the Yale University Art Gallery, which has just undergone years of expansion and renovation.
Shows at the new gallery have included contemporary Chinese and Middle Eastern art and American abstract painting and sculpture.
ABSTRACT:THE ART WORLD review of Frans Hals at the Metropolitan Museum.
ABSTRACT:THE ART WORLD review of African sculpture at the Metropolitan Museum.
ABSTRACT:THE ART WORLD about a Maurizio Cattelan retrospective.
Art includes a huge abstract painting of mostly black and white splatters of paint by British artist Kate Palmer.
Abstract Expressionism and Pop art obviously did better over the past 50 years.
He studied art, dabbled as an abstract painter, and drew political cartoons for newspapers.
Art-historical references to such abstract painters as Franz Kline, Kasimir Malevich, Piet Mondrian and Mark Rothko pass through the stage pictures.
WSJ: A Puppeteer's 'Rite' of Passage | Basil Twist | By Robert Greskovic
Each specialises in contemporary Canadian art, ranging from photoconceptualism to sculpture, abstract painting to First Nations artworks.
The works on display range from abstract and figurative paintings to video and performance art.
WSJ: Art Basel: At the World's Leading Art Fair, Financial Woes Look Far Away
Preeminent international contemporary art gallery White Cube will be showing US abstract artist Mark Bradford and Mexican conceptual artist Gabriel Orozco, among others.
As I watched more and more games I began to recognize that the little armies of pieces operate like fields of force, and top level games are abstract, deeply nuanced and emotional works of art.
He began as an abstract painter at CalArts and evolved into representational, folkloric art about a fisherman's family during a teaching stint in Nova Scotia.
It provided a gateway to abstract expression, historians say, changing the very definition of art.