These institutions house some of the country's finest art and exceptional collections of artefacts.
The death god, Mictlantecutli, is often depicted with a skull-like face in pre-Hispanic artefacts.
Ancient metal artefacts found at a Leicestershire site could go on permanent display, archaeologists say.
The hotel is like a museum, displaying artefacts dating as far back as the 17th Century.
Giampetro Campana was a renowned collector from the mid-19th Century who specialised in Roman artefacts.
"They are our artefacts, " says Iain Standen, the CEO of Bletchley, who showed me around.
BBC: Bletchley Park enigma code huts prepare for restoration
The prehistoric caves in Torquay house bone artefacts believed to date back to Neanderthal man.
The wreck was raised from the Solent in 1982, containing thousands of medieval artefacts.
BBC: Mary Rose skeletons studied by Swansea sports scientists
For a start, the images are sharper, and do not suffer from colour artefacts.
Previous excavations have revealed Middle Bronze Age and Iron Age artefacts, said archaeologist, Dr Andy Jones.
It was found by a metal detectorist who disposed of the artefacts to a local dealer.
But John Hoyle, who runs the Friendly Dragon shop, which sells pagan artefacts, said he was worried.
Most of the Stein artefacts at the museum are not on permanent show because of their delicacy.
An exhibition of artefacts and remains dating back to the 7th century has opened at York Minster.
At the time, Egyptian authorities decided none of the artefacts from the tomb should leave Egyptian control.
The renowned showman spared no expense with his darling, filling it with Asian flourishes and Chinese-crafted artefacts.
Other artefacts the team examined included 14 stone tools, which were radiocarbon-dated to between 2090 and 2540BC.
BBC: Maize was key in early Andean civilisation, study shows
Like the postmodern era, artefacts of the modern would survive, but would seem increasingly archaic and inaccessible.
FORBES: Bigger, Faster, Moore - Looking Into the Post-PC Era
"The financial value of artefacts such as these is perhaps the very least important factor, " he said.
Their collectability is enhanced by the fact that they are not models, but genuine, working, industrial artefacts.
Apart from detecting artefacts, Dr Frazier believes that the device could also be used to find landmines.
The collection of 47 artefacts, found on St Michael's Mount, is on display in the island's castle.
While touring the villa is certainly a worthwhile history lesson, the overall scarcity of genuine Napoleon artefacts may disappoint some.
Dig a hole in practically any Lebanese hillside, and a wealth of archaeological artefacts will tumble forth.
Many of its pharaonic, Coptic Christian, Islamic and other artefacts have spent years in storage in the basement.
The new museum finally reunites the Mary Rose with thousands of the 19, 000 artefacts raised from the wreck.
Elsewhere, outreach workers from the museum take artefacts into the community to bring the ship's history to life.
Mr Bowles said the artefacts found on the site would now be taken away and examined more closely.
The artefacts are now spread across the world, in major museums in Beijing, London, Paris and St Petersburg.
The National Museum of Cambodia, founded in 1920, possesses one of the world's greatest collections of Khmer artefacts.