Inflammation of the artery walls appears to play a crucial role in this process.
But in 25% of cases the artery clogs up again within months of a stent placement.
The new artery growth contributed to improved heart function in the animals, Dr. Hsieh said.
Early-stage tests have shown that the compounds penetrate artery walls and block the bad enzyme.
Once the confectionery paths are dissolved, they leave a network of artery-like channels in their void.
ENGADGET: Researchers use 3D printer, sugar, to create a fake artery network for lab-grown tissue
The Fleet was once an important artery that brought goods and business into the city.
He concluded that Mr Tomlinson died of natural causes linked to coronary artery disease.
Then don't screen a healthy person for a clogged neck artery, the family physicians say.
AstraZeneca used both techniques to tout its cholesterol drug Crestor as a potent artery unclogger.
But obtaining such images usually requires threading a catheter through an artery in the groin.
Four are top experts in the field of using ultrasound to take pictures of artery plaque.
And the company has promised to use (slightly) more healthful oils, eliminating artery-clogging trans fats.
Deleting this gene from mice makes the animals almost totally resistant to artery gunk.
How much of a role Lp-PLA2 plays in inducing artery damage is hotly debated.
The artery is then propped open with a metal mesh tube called a stent.
What's in this plan that would do what just what you're saying, unclog the artery?
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The only disease linked to apo E was a rare type of artery-clogging atherosclerosis.
WSJ: A Gene Gives a Hint Of How Long a Person Might Hope to Live
In 2008, an artery-imaging study failed to show that Vytorin prevented atherosclerosis better than Zocor alone.
Coronary Artery Disease (Cad) is one of the most common causes of death in the world.
BBC: Results of Tayside gene tests help find heart disease link
Interstate 84 east of Portland, a major artery eastward, was closed by a mudslide, said Lt.
It contains heart-healthy unsaturated fats, including linoleic acid, and is low in artery-clogging saturated fat.
Hence the conclusion that snoring is also a tip-off to coronary artery disease, or CAD.
But until this vital artery has been reopened, New Yorkers cannot get back on their feet.
These particles irritate the artery, making it inflamed and eventually causing the plaque to break apart.
When it comes to noisy and unsightly motorways, Parramatta Road, Sydney's major east-west artery, takes the cake.
Running reduced the risk for coronary artery disease risk by 4.5%, while walking decreased it by 9.3%.
FORBES: Brisk Walking or Running: Both Reduce Risk for Heart Disease
Start off on Khreschatyk Street, the city's main artery, where pedestrian traffic replaces cars for the weekend.
Moreover, drug firms are testing numerous other approaches to reduce artery inflammation that may prove more effective.
Many times, a scaffolding-like structure called a stent is left in place to keep the artery open.
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High-density lipoprotein is thought to carry the cholesterol from the artery wall to the liver for disposal.