But consider what happens when the power goes out -- when, without warning, we lose artificial light.
Working at night with artificial light projected onto the stone was decided as the most effective approach.
Well, initial crops would need to be small in stature and grow well in controlled environments with artificial light.
The colors may look just right, until you bring the painting indoors under artificial light or print the painting in a book.
Mr Thornley and Mr Wood are regular night photographers and Ballaugh beach is a favourite spot because of the lack of artificial light.
But artificial light, whether of the incandescent, fluorescent or LED variety, contains a different mixture of frequencies from that put out by the sun.
ECONOMIST: A new type of cell may bring ��solar�� energy indoors
For there is a very close correlation between where there is artificial light and the places where people get to live rich, rewarding and enjoyable lives.
The 16.3-megapixel BSI CMOS sensor and brighter F2.5 lens help deliver top-notch image quality even in low-light situations without the typical bleaching effect of artificial light.
Outside Kigali, naked flames often provide the only artificial light.
She sauntered away and left me facing a spare man of ordinary height, whose reddish-fair hair was cut very short and glistened in the artificial light from the hallway.
By changing the composition of the dye, G24's engineers ensure that the maximum sensitivity of the cell coincides with whatever frequency mix is appropriate for the artificial light concerned.
ECONOMIST: A new type of cell may bring ��solar�� energy indoors
The interior of the old Barnes has been reproduced in the new building, with minor decorative differences and a major technological one of automatically balanced natural and artificial light.
In our tests, exposure was spot on and low-light performance was spectacular -- white balance, despite being usually accurate, was sometimes off when snapping photos in artificial light (like under fluorescents).
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Previous research found artificial light caused newly-hatched turtles to head away from the sea, rather than towards it, and caused seabirds such as petrels to collide with lighthouses and other lit structures.
BBC: Grangemouth and Longannet lights help birds feed at night
Quite: the relationship between being able to have artificial light or not and economic growth is so strong that we can actually use the presence of the light to measure the economic growth.
This could be interpreted as a subtler version of the Hawthorne effect, if you believe that workers were aware that changes in artificial light were induced by the experimenters, whereas natural light was changing on its own.
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Full daylight comes through the windows, and gently raised, coved ceilings that make the galleries feel much more spacious have concealed illumination by Fisher Marantz Stone for a balance of natural and artificial light that reveals the glory of the paintings.
While lunar daytime lasts around two weeks, and it may be possible to funnel this light into greenhouses, the current limits of solar storage technology are incapable of sustaining artificial light for the equally long lunar night, even with one of these guys helping out.
"The good news is that people who stay up late in front of the television and computer may be able to undo some of the harmful effects just by going back to a regular light-dark cycle and minimizing their exposure to artificial light at night, " Bedrosian says.
There is a suggestion in the data that productivity was more responsive to changes in artificial than natural light.
ECONOMIST: Being watched may not affect behaviour, after all
Colors can change shade, or metamerize, under different light sources, so when Harfouch hits on a perfect match he has to be sure it looks the same under sunlight as it does under artificial, supermarket light.
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In the case of the Argus II, the bionic eye or more accurately, the artificial retina, will turn darkness into light through a system comprised of electronics in the eye and wearable technology which wirelessly transmits a signal to the implant in the eye that lets the patient see again.
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The artificial retina is composed by neuronal photoreceptors, called cones and rods, which capture light signals and transform them in electrical signals, transferring them to the retinal ganglion cells and, through the optic nerve, to the brain.
Panasonic's artificial photosysnthesis system has a simple structure with highly efficient CO2 conversion, which can utilize direct sunlight or focused light.