Overall, there was a 19% rise in requests for re-marks for this year's A-level, GCSE and AS-level exams.
This happens when two exams - perhaps an A-level and an AS-level re-take - are timetabled for the same time.
The HE sector also points out to Mr Tomlinson that the addition of the AS-level had increased the work involved in processing students' results.
The intention is that students should take four or even five subjects at AS-level (Advanced Subsidiary) in the first year, specialising in the second.
Dr David Milstead of the department of physics at the University of Liverpool has investigated the changing nature of the A and AS-level physics programme.
And they say they are pleased "to see strong consensus that in the main A-levels are fit for purpose" and support for keeping the AS-level.
The AS-level would continue as a separate qualification, the reports suggest.
This is further reflected by the fact that more and more young people are going on to study mathematics and further mathematics at AS-level and A-level.
At the same time the AS-level would no longer be a stepping stone exam that counts towards a full A-level but instead become a stand-alone qualification.
The revised AS-level, replacing the Advanced Supplementary exam, was one of the main recommendations arising from Lord Dearing's review of qualifications for 16 to 19 year olds.
Now government statisticians have cross referenced GCSE and AS-level results with degree results, looking specifically if top school exam results are accurate predictors of a degree at 2:1 or above.
The letter says that under Labour AS-levels would continue to be building blocks towards A-levels and students would continue to choose which AS-level subjects they take as full A-levels.
Glyn received an A in art and design and a B in history AS-level but Es in Welsh and English because he missed the exams to go on Big Brother.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Grandmother, 78, passes A-level
This week's AS-level results will see the latest stage in what has been a turbulent first year for the new qualification, which will usually be taken in the first year of sixth form.
However he warned that there was a danger that some schools might decide to enter pupils for four of the new AS-level exams in Year 12, followed by three full A-levels in Year 13.
For a start it is a familiar setting and, with the advent of the AS-level exams, there is less time than there used to be for settling in to a new environment before the exams begin.
Christopher Ray, of the Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference, which represents independent school leaders, told BBC News the new system could potentially harm "students who only when they get their AS-level results in Year 12 realise how bright they are, who are perhaps in an underperforming school or college and who suddenly have the self-confidence to aim for the stars".
You will out-work anybody, as long as the level -- as long as the playing field is level.
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For instance, the American Association of School Administrators, a national research and advocacy group, is projecting cuts of 227, 000 local education positions for the 2011-12 school year, a figure that includes teaching jobs as well as entry-level posts such as classroom support.
The trend will lead to far-out new technologies, such as human-level artificial intelligence, becoming a reality within our lifetimes.
"Many customers suggested they were unlikely to switch from VMware to Hyper-V at any price, since Hyper-V lacked virtual machine mobility as well as other higher-level features such as disaster recovery, " Rueppel wrote in an April 1 research note.
They are curbing run-away energy with a combination of micro-level controls (for individual servers, power distribution units, air-flow controllers, and cooling units) as well as macro-level controls and policies (for racks of servers, rows of racks, and entire data centers).
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The shift in recruiting budgets appears to be strongest in finding management and executive-level employees as opposed to entry-level positions that do better on traditional job boards.
It too can be treated with painkillers, but other drugs such as low-level dose antidepressants and anticonvulsants can also help.
He plans to one day distribute them among his five children, two of whom are taking up the family trade as junior-level goalies.
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If necessary, the company is prepared to register the product as a low-level medical device as it has done in certain other markets outside the U.S. to meet local regulatory requirements.
Baha'i spokesman Farhad Sabetan, who teaches economics at California State University, East Bay, said that while Baha'is are not allowed to serve as military officers, they were recruited to serve as low-level privates in the Iran-Iraq war.
The Ting web page for businesses previews some new tools in the control panel, such as user-level alerts, which will email or text an account administrator or even disable a device when a particular user hits specified usage levels.
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Confirmed speakers include: IAC Chairman Barry Diller, ex-Disney chairman Michael Eisner, NBC Universal Chairman Bob Wright, YouTube founder Chad Hurley, actor Morgan Freeman, the CEOs of Sling Media, Netflix, 2929 Entertainment, as well as high-level executives from Google, Yahoo and Microsoft.
"Further it has been reported that some students are often 'coached' to a C-grade at AS and A-level rather than attempting to produce higher quality answers, " it said.