Cornish is believed to have died out as a first language in the late 18th Century.
Cornish is believed to have died out as a first language in 1777.
Not really, just evidence of the familiar problem of British skills shortages a problem so acute that many employers prefer to hire a worker who does not have English as a first language, in preference to a less-skilled native.
However, after this programme, I am wondering if people that speak a different language as their "first language" are more aware of the variances of English throughout the UK, US, Australia, Canada, etc.
The French essayist Michel de Montaigne was brought up speaking Latin as his first language and as a boy read Ovid's Metamorphoses for fun.
Heritage Minister Alun Ffred Jones AM described it as "a historic day for the Welsh language" as the assembly government passed its first piece of legislation on the Welsh language.
Somali is a close second to English as the most-spoken first language in Moss Side schools.
One of my closest friends has a son who studied both computer science and Japanese in college and also spent two summers in Tokyo, first taking language classes and then working as an intern at a technology company.
Each volunteer speaker of a language of interest is first tested with what is known as a Swadesh list.
As they watch for longer, their first choice will often be a film made locally, in their own language.
This symbolic system of notation also has shown scholars how writing first developed to provide a permanent record of information rather than as a way to set down spoken language.
WSJ: The Ur-Metropolis | Uruk | Pergamon Museum | By A.J. Goldmann
As part of what was described as the "democratic opening, " the Turkish state established a Kurdish-language TV channel for the first time and eased bans on Kurdish language education in schools.
As a first step, NATO could consider regular training on cyberdefense so that national experts share the same knowledge and language.
That language is a carry-over from 2011, when the bill was first fashioned as a job-creating measure designed to get money off the sidelines and into new companies.