Some investors are using commodities as a hedge, to guard against a broad drop in the stock market.
ECONOMIST: The bugs are back | The
The Treasury market is a safe haven to park, but the U.S. dollar is not viewed as currently a safe haven to guard against catastrophe.
FORBES: FOCUS: Financial Market Break Revives Memories of 2008
We should be hugely grateful to McLean and Nocera for documenting it as a reminder of what, and whom, to guard against in the future.
FORBES: You Are There: A Review of "All The Devils Are Here"
Obviously no amount of foresight can guard a woman against all eventualities, such as an unruly mob that erupts out of nowhere.
FORBES: Female War Reporters Under Sexual Attack Overseas? All The Time
But the coach is desperate to guard against complacency as the Welsh public dream of a heroic repeat of the 2005 Grand Slam triumph.
BBC: Toughest tests to come - Gatland
The appointment was announced as delegates gathered for a summit to outline key steps firms can take to guard against internet crime.
BBC: Scottish minister to tackle cyber crime appointed
As chairman of the House Budget Committee, Ryan said Republicans needed to guard against a debt crisis for the country that would undermine the economy.
NPR: Ryan Says GOP Need To Pick Its Fights With Obama
This is a key issue in a case the EEOC commenced in 2010 against G4S Secure Solutions after the company refused to hire a twice-convicted Pennsylvania thief as a security guard.
WSJ: James Bovard: Perform Criminal Background Checks at Your Peril