"This country gives chance to everybody else to be treated as a human being, " he said.
"As a human being you feel sorry for the people affected because of what happened, " the Ethiopian said.
He's a delightful person, not only as a sportsman but also how he is as a human being.
You know, I think we learn a lot about Martin Luther King, as a human being, from this collection.
And, it portrayed him as a human being affected by death and celebrity.
The great Pablo Casals once described himself as a human being first, a musician second, and a cellist third.
And she was somebody on whom as a human being one could totally rely whatever different his views might have been.
And, although we usually think of a mummy as a human being, animals -- and even plants -- can be mummified.
CNN: 'Death can tell us a lot about living,' mummy expert says
He is a really good lad and has been brilliant during my time here in terms of as a human being.
All the while the soldier must keep his cool and see before him his values as a human being and as a soldier.
"Soul Pancake is really an expression of who I am as a human being, " said the actor, a member of the Baha'i faith.
CNN: Rainn Wilson: "The Internet is the future of spirituality"
That's why whenever you see them hanging out like they are right now, it's important that they also like you as a human being.
They look at your work, your life work, who you are as a human being and the spirit of who you are as a human being.
"But as a human being I cannot tell them 'Go hungry' at a time when I am not able to provide them with jobs, " he says.
You must, as a human being aware of the fact that the perfect world does not exist yet, strive to exist in the world that does.
FORBES: The Realities Women Face When Traveling Alone, And How To Stay Safe
"He was 40 when he died and was clearly heading for extraordinary places as a photographer, as an artist, and as a human being, " Junger says.
If you'll just weigh the entire situation and then put it into perspective as a human being and as a severe mistake, as a ridiculous, disappointing mistake.
When people look at an unborn baby sucking its thumb, they see it as a human being, says Josephine Quintavalle, of Alive and Kicking, a pro-life campaign group.
The environmental disaster cannot even be estimated, as a human being would face deadly exposure levels of radiation within two minutes of entering the hot zones of the plant.
"I feel like I've been given an opportunity to paint people that society would deem as 'the gangster, ' 'the thug, ' as a human being with raw emotions, " he said.
"The leadership of the German national team never had any doubt that he was important for the team both as a goalkeeper and as a human being, " the DFB statement said.
"The key to winning - forget everything else, tactics, the lot - it's about you as a human being, it's about what you are willing to commit and your attitude and we did that really well, " said Upson.
Even though he didn't know my name, the first time he glanced in my direction he felt comfortable enough with my stature as a human being to literally snap his fingers and suggest that I make his wife a sandwich.
Troubled though she was as a human being, with flaws and shortcomings well aired in the biographies written after her death, someone needed to put a marker down for individual liberty and limited government before both disappeared under the waves.
"As a human being it is very difficult not to have sympathy for somebody that I cared about deeply, but it is also important to remember that that person that I cared about deeply did not in fact exist, " she replied.
"People should look at Gates as someone who has been successful as a total human being, not just as a businessman, " says Alexandra Levit, a career consultant and author of How'd You Score That Gig?
We are sick and tired of being seen as a stereotype and not as a full human being.
CNN: A fight for Trayvon Martin is a war against stereotypes
Every surgeon, mid-level practitioner, nurse, and member of the office staff is dedicated to the mission of providing quality care, and every person is as quality a human being as they are a practitioner.
One comes away from Mr. Rosengren's biography with a firm notion of Hank Greenberg as a decent human being, a man of integrity and honor, what Jews call a mensch.
He could do it because, as a decent human being, he had no choice but to do it.