As a person who sells and has worked with technology all my life I also know this.
As a person who's been laid off before, I can tell you that's not always the case.
As a person who counts on leftovers to fill my kids' lunch boxes, let me say: I hear you.
Joel described his brother to the Herald as a person who never started a fight, but stood ready to defend a friend.
So I wanted to ask you, first of all, as a person who's covered both of these cases, do you see any parallels there?
Oh, and finally resolve that thorny definition of a cynic, as a person who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.
But he referred to one as a person who "served as a personal bodyguard and driver for Osama Bin Laden, " the Associated Press reports.
As a person who works in the High Court as a QC every day of the week, I see the result of sectarian crime.
It would be like compairing a Mechanic to summerize the stock market as a person who has NEVER worked on cars, to do the reports.
FORBES: How To Take A 100% Tax Write-Off For A New Porsche, BMW or Cadillac
Mr. Perciasepe helped negotiate vehicle fuel-economy rules during Mr. Obama's first term and is viewed by both sides as a person who seeks common ground.
"As a person who loves the game and kids and has seen what the game can do for kids, it is extremely upsetting, " says Mr. Bouffard.
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As a person who has stuck by the franchise through all of these iterations, I think Resident Evil 6 proved that the latter is what is needed.
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We'd like to hear if you have an experience with Stop and Frisk, either as a person who's been stopped, as a bystander or as a law enforcement officer.
You have to acquire a reputation as a person who produces just the right amount of money that people want, in particular money that does not depreciate and retains its exchange value.
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"As a person who has spent many years surprising people this is one of my greatest surprises - this time it's on me, " he said in a break from performing the panto Aladdin in Bournemouth.
We have Coolpix cameras that shoot an amazing photograph for their size and weight and price, and the person who buys that camera is just as interested in high quality as a person who buys a higher-level camera.
ENGADGET: The Engadget Interview: Steve Heiner, General Manager, Digital SLR Systems, Nikon
As a person who is almost always on the road and separated (often on the other side of the planet) from my closest friends and family, my Facebook news feed is like the local newspaper in my hometown.
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As a person who lives in New York City and as a a medical student who rotates through some of New York's inner city hospitals that serve the poor and many homeless, I have a unique perspective on the issue being debated.
Good lord, if I had only known about your last segment about not enough male teachers, as volunteer art and music teacher myself and as a person who knows what it can be like picked on by female teachers in elementary school, a person with a rare autism.
He described his brother as a quiet person who enjoyed the little things in life.
"He's got to expect that (Capitol) Hill is going to treat him as a political person who is fair game now, rightly or wrongly, " she said.
Some neighbors and relatives remembered Nancy Lanza, the 52-year-old mother of the suspected gunman behind one of the worst mass shooting in U.S. history, as a retiring person who largely kept to herself.
It will be as seamless of a transition as possible, but replacing a person who has led a company for 30 years is never a simple task.
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She was described as a dog hoarder - a person who keeps and breeds dog without re-homing or having the necessary space, funding or ability to care for them.
Thatcher as a person of conviction who eschewed the focus-group politics that characterizes many in her line of work.
It's the same as being near a person who's famous.
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These are legal proceedings where someone is appointed as a decision-maker over a person who is determined to be in need of protection, typically for being legally incompetent.
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You need to accept failure as part of life and not a final sentence on who you are as a person.
You want them to see you as a stake in the ground, as the person who creates a safe and honorable space where people can be relied upon.
Silly games, a bare-boned word processor that helped me become a fledgling writer, and a machine to play around on and tinker with that helped shape a part of who I was as a person by shaping what I enjoyed to spend my time doing.