The idea of an act of kindness as an end in itself or as a matter of personal duty was simply not part of their moral horizon.
"As this is a personal matter that pertains to her health and medical treatment, her family requests that her privacy be respected, " Mr Dwivedi said.
As a matter of personal opinion I tend to think that the general public are rather more sensible about these things that some activists seem to think.
To really move the needle on any issue of importance, it helps to make it a personal matter as it is a legal one.
But there is no question that anti-tax campaigns resonated with the general public wary of government intervention in so personal a matter as food choices.
FORBES: Is 2013 a Watershed Year for the Anti-Obesity Movement?
"As a practical matter, Reed Hastings' personal webpage probably informed more people more quickly of the information than" a formal SEC filing, said Mr. Grundfest, who published a paper in January urging the SEC not to pursue an enforcement action against Mr. Hastings.
WSJ: SEC Says Companies Can Use Social Media to Alert Investors
In any case, as I mentioned, this is definitely not just a personal matter of ours.
But when people foul up in a spectacular fashion, especially when it involves a personal matter, Americans will give them a break and a second chance -- as long as they stand up like a man or a woman, admit they screwed up, say they're sorry and look like they damn well mean it.
The Home Office said personal tax liability as a result of being re-employed was a matter for the individual and their employer.
Whether the artist deserves to be mentioned in the same sentence as the long-time stars of the art world is a matter of personal taste, but the sale of "Chinese Girl" appears to have cemented his reputation as a commercial, if not critical, success.
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As a matter of tax fairness, it does not seem rational for certain forms of personal income to be taxed when the original intent was otherwise, whether that is applied to gaming proceeds, or interest, or dividends.
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