And while Chan, chief economist for Chase Private Bank, acknowledges their concerns, he sees them as a positive sign.
In terms of sentiment, Schaeffer and Johnson regard pessimism on the part of investors toward a stock as a positive sign--and one that they currently see with AMD.
While not all of the Chinese manufacturers are making these kinds of demands yet, many are beginning to ask about it, and we take this as a positive sign for the future.
That was deemed by the market place as a bit of a positive sign, regarding the Italian debt mess.
FORBES: Comex Gold Ends Near Steady As Market Pauses; Technicals Remain Fully Bullish
Though this will definitely pose a bit of a practical problem for early adopters in metropolitan areas, ultimately it must be seen as a very positive sign.
In what has to be seen as a very positive sign for IT spending, tech consulting firm Accenture this afternoon reported better-than-expected results for its fiscal fourth quarter ended August 31, provided strong guidance for FY 2012, and announced a 50% dividend increase.
Rather than seeing this as a worrisome event, Rosen said this is a positive sign.
"We believe this is a positive sign as customers appear more comfortable with inventory levels heading into the holiday season, " Barton said in a client note.
This was a positive sign, as was the better relative performance, or RS analysis, for both the Dow Transportations and the Russell 2000.
That's a positive sign, as opposed to flying them from a helicopter from the airport to the Green Zone and never letting them go to see anything.
The weekly relative performance or RS analysis did confirm the March highs, which was a positive sign, as it did not start a new downtrend going into the June lows.
It rates Wells Fargo as "AAA" for depositors--a positive sign that could help the bank lure new customers rattled by the huge losses being wracked up by other big lenders.
This is a positive sign to us, as it indicates that ethics is becoming a serious issue around the world, and foreign companies are more frequently developing best-in-class ethics and compliance programs than in prior years.
However, the employer may see it as unprofessional, unwarranted or a sign that the candidate may have a hard time building positive relationships with colleagues.
"If the market can turn positive from the technical analysis point of view, I would take that as a sign that it has discounted the bad news, " says Appel.
This put the trader on notice to watch the action the following week, as the bullish divergence (higher OBV at point 2 then at point 1) was a positive sign.
As of the end of August 2012, the monthly OBV had moved back above its WMA which is a positive sign.
As I noted then, it had completed its base formation, lines a and b, which was a positive sign for the homebuilders.