Naturally, global girls outgrow such local traditions as arranged marriages, dowry and bride price, which have not been exclusive to African tradition (see the English period drama, "Downton Abbey") but have certainly lingered longer in homes of African descent.
Four high-backed chairs flanked two small coffee tables, as though arranged for a meeting over tea.
Instead, he and a fellow Tunisian, Bouraoui el Ouaer, posing as television journalists arranged an interview with Massoud.
The Potters Bar friendly was arranged as part of the deal that took defender Nathan Smith to Yeovil last season.
All this suggests that the smallest possible droplet of water must be made up of at least six molecules arranged as a cage.
The interview with ABC News was apparently hastily arranged as Mr Obama came under mounting pressure to clarify his position on the issue.
Arranged as a sampler of characters from Khmer classical dance, they felt like compressed demonstrations introducing key figures such as the giant Asura and the monkey Hanuman.
He also opened up his Rolodex, a raw display of power, as he quickly arranged for interviews with the heaviest of hitters, who stood ready to heap on the praise.
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The capsules are arranged as pixels and electric charges applied to each pixel pull either the black or the white particles towards the top of the capsule (and the opposite colour to the bottom).
ECONOMIST: Electronic screens as thin as paper are coming soon
It could be some time before a hearing is arranged as both clubs are on pre-season tours with United back to take on Portsmouth in the Premier League curtain-raiser, the Community Shield, on 10 August.
By late afternoon on July 7th phalanxes of voters arranged themselves as human shields around many polling stations to prevent attacks.
The absence of American banks is likely to embarrass the Administration, which certified the Soviet Union as creditworthy when it arranged the guarantee.
They dropped again in the evening as Prof Randell had arranged for one of Colossus's creators, Allen "Doc" Coombs, to attend and answer questions about the machine and what it did.
Both sides said they would to try to avert the action through negotiation and the conciliation service Acas said it is ready to facilitate a meeting as soon as one could be arranged.
Sagarin has arranged the formula as such partly because he thinks home-court advantage is a big deal in college basketball.
Another quick get-to-know-you meeting with U.S. President Bill Clinton may also be arranged soon, as is customary with any new Japanese leader.
The team of about a dozen people will depart from Europe as soon as air transport can be arranged, the official said.
Once he found his footing as an artist, he arranged his life so he could study its moods at night from city wharves and on ferry rides to and from New Jersey.
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In one sensational case, wiretaps of a high profile public relations executive released last year, revealed that some top journalists were allegedly reporting as per a pre-arranged script though no pay-offs were ever proven.
FORBES: Indian Billionaire Battle Exposes Nexus Between Business And Media
The wedding stories in the banking sector haven't been typical over the past few years, with an inordinate number of the shotgun and arranged variety, as firms either on the brink of failing or already belly up were acquired by their more surefooted rivals.
The speech was actually arranged two years ago as part of events to mark the school's hundredth anniversary.
With each rereading, one finds that Fitzgerald made all the right choices and arranged them all with as much precision as he was able to summon.
He stopped at house after house on his ride, and, as part of a previously-arranged alarm system, town after town in eastern Massachusetts, upon hearing the news, began ringing bells.
"We have arranged for his interview as we will continue to co-operate and we want to get to the bottom of the matter, " added Ijaz Butt of Riaz's forthcoming interview.
BBC: Police to question Pakistan bowler Wahab Riaz next week
Here are preserved clothing, equipment, bedding and foodstuffs, all arranged on the shelves as though the original occupants have just popped out for a spot of sledging or a quick constitutional.
Cast as Romeo, she is smitten by Shakespeare himself, who has fallen in love with her as Viola (ie, as Juliet) at a party arranged to mark her engagement to the Earl of Wessex (ie, Paris).
Now it seems that as mayor of Paris Mr Chirac arranged subsidies for a pensioners' charity (of which he was treasurer) which then bought a plot of land to build an old people's home next to Mr Chirac's country chateau.
He said his corporation arranged for the Renda shipment as an alternative to shipping fuel by air.
He arranged for her a seat as his guest for the rest of the repertoire in which he played the lead.