The race in Malaysia is arguably the toughest race of the season as far as endurance is concerned as the heat and humidity makes it so tough.
But the last thing the social networking behemoth wants is the constant reference that Google, regarded as a Johnny-come-lately as far as social is concerned, got video chat out of the gate first.
The problem is, at least as far as the UK is concerned, as the various reports come out about what actually happened and who is to blame, the evidence that an FTT would have prevented matters is vanishing.
Now Orbitz is left out of the game as far as AA is concerned, which may or may not pose a business problem in the future, as it eliminates only one of the several hundreds of airlines that allow Orbitz to sell their tickets.
He admitted the revelations had been "particularly bad for his family" but the 68-year-old added "as far as F1 is concerned, everything has gone on (as normal)".
Of course there are exceptions, such as Botswana and Namibia (both in the African top five as far as governance is concerned), but most resource-rich countries are well down the table: the DRC, Sudan, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Congo (Brazzaville), Nigeria and Angola are all ranked between 34th and 46th in the World Bank's regional rankings.
PCs, as such, he regards as an unimportant technology so far as the labour market is concerned.
Whether this will be good or bad for students is beside the point as far as Walker is concerned.
FORBES: Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Threatens Layoffs, $1 Billion in Cuts to Schools
"We told the players that being second is like being last as far as Brazil is concerned, " he said.
Supply restraint is not an option as far as Moscow is concerned.
If the U.S. gets into outright deflation, I expect the Fed to react by increasing their assets and by outright monetization, buying treasuries from insurance and other companies, as putting more money into banks when they are not lending does not seem to be helpful as far as deflation is concerned.
With respect to the economy, there is much unnecessary hand wringing as far as China is concerned.
"It is still a very dire situation as far as unemployment is concerned, " said economist Gilles Moec from Deutsche Bank.
Australia's deserts can be a real hit-and-miss affair as far as wildlife is concerned.
The worst downturn in a lifetime appears to be over, at least as far as China is concerned.
"European law cannot rule the world as far as football is concerned, " he said.
As far as he is concerned, it is a means to play a couple of games.
That leaves Romney and Huntsman in the ring, as far as Frum is concerned.
FORBES: Are Romney and Huntsman the Only Serious 2012 GOP Candidates?
So what -- where do we stand as far as China is concerned in the future?
Still other rivalries don't have clear winners--at least as far as income is concerned.
As far as China is concerned, gas will be spot based, and it will be cheap.
FORBES: Obama Ground Zero: Why Cheap American Energy Is The Death Of American Power
For he was, as far as Apple is concerned, the creator of that entire system anyway.
FORBES: Has Apple Become More Ethical Since Steve Jobs' Death A Year Ago?
So, by month end, Symbian phones are dead in the water as far as Twitter is concerned.
FORBES: Sex Scandals Distract While Twitter Pulls A Fast One
"As far as cricket is concerned India's stand on the issue is very clear, " the spokesperson said.
And as far as he is concerned, Israel's response to his demands to date has been unsatisfactory.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Scott Brown Precedent and Israel
Then again, as far as content is concerned even Apple will find it difficult to rival Sirius.
Zachary said we are in the ascent of a bull market, as far as investing is concerned.
And as far as Clinton is concerned, this is proof that women in Israel are under attack.
And as far as marketability is concerned, I challenge that the wisdom that wrestling cannot be good theater.
FORBES: Commercialism Pins Common Sense as IOC Ousts Wrestling from 2020 Summer Olympics
So as far as Cyprus is concerned it makes a great deal of sense to simply give in.
FORBES: Krugman And The Cyprus Endgame: But What If 'Doing An Iceland' Succeeds?