Joe Lieberman as his running mate may attract more Jewish overseas votes to the Democrats.
When McCain chose her as his running mate she had 95% approval rate in Alaska.
Critics have questioned Palin's experience since McCain chose her as his running mate August 29.
Lieberman, a Jew, as his running mate on the Democratic ticket for the White House.
CNN: Lieberman lures a wave of new political money
John Edwards as his running mate, which was expected to increase Democratic voter turnout in the state.
By choosing Ryan as his running mate, Romney identified himself with austerity, and this sealed his doom.
McCain unveiled Sarah Palin, a 44-year-old first-term Alaska governor and former small-town mayor, as his running mate Friday.
Lieberman, the Connecticut senator Gore tapped as his running mate, will accept the vice presidential nomination Wednesday night.
By picking Paul Ryan as his running mate this month, Mr Romney has further muddied the ideological waters.
This weekend, my opponent, Mr. Romney, chose as his running mate the ideological leader of the Republicans in Congress.
Obama's selection of Joe Biden as his running mate probably enhances the theme.
John McCain is trying to maximize the bounce that he got from choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate.
He did so successfully when he picked Palin as his running mate, leading to a bounce in the polls.
The Republican presidential candidate shocked the campaign Friday by picking first-term Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, 44, as his running mate.
Unless Mr Gore chooses the popular local senator, Bob Graham, as his running mate, Florida may go Republican this time.
Both think Mitt Romney made a definitive choice in selecting budget wonk Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) as his running mate.
FORBES: It's Futile Rep. Ryan, In Politics Feelings And Emotion Always Trump Simple Math
In 2004, Edwards fell behind John Kerry in the Democratic primaries before joining the Massachusetts senator's ticket as his running mate.
Obama already has a vice-president in place with Delaware senator Joe Biden, who he announced as his running mate in August.
The pictures were passed along by a Democratic researcher sent to Miami's campus after Mitt Romney tapped Ryan as his running mate.
That was until McCain picked Sarah Palin as his running mate.
Republican nominee Mitt Romney has chosen Paul Ryan as his running mate to strengthen his position on the issue of fiscal sustainability.
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What do you think of Romney selecting Ryan as his running mate?
How do you feel about Romney selecting Ryan as his running mate?
In July, after Bush picked Cheney as his running mate, two of his doctors issued letters giving him a clean bill of health.
Has the Republican convention and the naming of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate given McCain a bounce in the polls?
In July he dropped Mohammed Fahim, the defence minister and the man most likely to make international donors' toes curl, as his running mate.
As Cheney was leaving the hospital last week, reporters inquired if he had plans to ask Bush to replace him as his running mate.
Culvahouse, had his first extensive interview with Palin on August 27, one day before McCain made his decision to tap her as his running mate.
Four years ago, right wing evangelicals warned Presidential candidate John McCain against choosing Mitt Romney as his running mate on account of his religious background.
Palin has railed against the "lamestream media" since her rocky start in national politics, when McCain chose the then-obscure first-term governor as his running mate.