But the main reason for the public's scepticism is that the video, as shown in Zimbabwe, had obviously been doctored.
"Grapeseed extract is a superantioxidant if taken internally, as it's been shown to minimize the breakdown of skin tissue, " notes Howard Murad, an El Segundo, California-based dermatologist and founder of the Murad skin-care line.
Now, the economy is gaining momentum, as shown by the Commerce Department's report Friday that consumers spent more for the sixth straight month.
Doctors with no financial relationship to the drug's makers say the news is a welcome surprise, as no other drug has ever shown a statistically significant benefit in preventing such injuries.
Meanwhile there are signs the euro zone is prepared to continue to support Greece, as shown by last week's visit to Athens by German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
The 3-D phenomenon is important to Sony's television and media businesses, as evidenced by what was shown at the company's CES booth, and as Microsoft Game Studios vice president Phil Spencer suggested in an interview last year.
But there is also a language-mediated one, as shown by the linguistic side's greater response.
For the first few frames of the scene, one of the tablets is shown being used to scan radio frequencies, so it's justified as part of the plot -- and busy gents like these are bound to carry a few devices around with them.
ENGADGET: Editorial: Is that Kevin Spacey behind all those Apple products? (updated)
The U.S. economy is not suffering because of taxes, energy policy, or Obamacare as data and polls have shown consistently.
FORBES: US Businesses Not Being Strangled By Regulation And Taxation, World Bank Says
That Naidu has gained his people's trust is shown by the fact that he advocates economic reform - widely seen in India as hurting rather than helping ordinary people - and still wins elections.
Data, such as song titles, from connected iPads, iPhones, iPods or USB drives is shown on the receiver's attractive on-screen display.
ENGADGET: Yamaha YHT-697 home theater in a box brings AirPlay, iPad connectivity to the masses
Because Heathrow is the UK's only hub airport, it has shown some resilience in the downturn, as passengers continued to fly into the airport before connecting to other destinations.
But, as the PMI's manufacturing numbers confirm, the picture painted by these private surveys is a good deal stronger than that shown so far by the Office for National Statistics, which highlighted an alarming 1% fall in official manufacturing output in February.