They also fill up as the player kills enemies, so as long as monsters are being defeated flask charges continue to become available, creating a fast-paced cycle of drinking and destruction.
Perhaps so, but only so long as Mr Bush is around to hate, and so long as the oil money lasts.
He still supports welfare reform--so long as no one gets hurt--and a balanced budget--so long as no popular programs get cut too much: a strategy that has left him with approval ratings roughly twice as high as either Gingrich's or Perot's.
The painter could become just as rich as the computer whiz so long as the savings from spills that the lid offers are as great as the productivity gains from the chip.
So long as the Americans are prepared to share their discoveries, and so long as the Europeans do not expect just to bask in the Americans' protection come what may, this military revolution could in the end help to tighten transatlantic ties.
But so long as tens of millions of people live with this devastating disease, and so long as nearly two million people die from AIDS-related diseases every year, we cannot and will not rest.
Just like the government, they need never reduce their debt level to zero so long as they can make the monthly payments, and this they can do so long as the rise in debt is at least matched by the rise in family income.
An exhibitor can now change a light bulb without an electrician present (so long as the job does not require a ladder) and set up his own display (so long as it can be done in less than half an hour, with no tools).
And I want you to know that so long as there are Americans who cannot find work I will be fighting for jobs, and so long as the gap between the wealthiest few and everybody else keeps on growing I will be fighting for opportunity.
To that end, it allows employees to work anywhere and for as few hours as they like, so long as they get the job done.
The programs are completely voluntary, and even the most unhealthy can earn the same reward as the healthiest, so long as they work with a health coach.
As such, out of pocket expenses relating to volunteering for charitable organizations are deductible on your Schedule A as a charitable deduction so long as you itemize.
Entrepreneurs can advertise the offer as widely as they would like so long as general advertisements only contain a basic statement that they are raising capital on a crowdfunding portal and more substantive information about the offer is communicated solely via the portal itself.
FORBES: What Does The Crowdfunding Bill Mean For Women Entrepreneurs?
Of course it'll take more listening to make a definitive call, but we don't think you can really go wrong with the Navigators as it stands, so long as your expectations are in-line with the price -- and try not to confuse them for your shades.
So long as Citizens United and SpeechNow a follow-on ruling remain unchallenged constitutional precedent, and so long as no states or Congress pursue serious reform efforts, Super PACs can continue to operate exactly as they have.
The way I'm going it looks do-able so as long as I keep progressing.
This is my home, so as long as they can do them up I'd be happy.
So as long as this current rally holds, I think small-caps will continue to outperform.
So as long as I'm President, we're going to develop every available source of energy.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Expanding Our Energy Portfolio
And they would, it's promised, keep doing so as long as the inflation beast stayed in its cave.
So as long as you have the stomach for it, ignore sales pitches touting safe, steady returns and hang onto that stock.
So as long as the LDP retains its majority in parliament, there should be no major changes in economic strategy or foreign policy.
Neither will do so as long as they fear our government is against them or that government will rewrite the rules of the game on them.
So as long as you want to still compete as if you are young while the functional element has made you non-competitive, you will be old.
FORBES: Winona Ryder At The 'Age I've Been Warned My Whole Life About'
So as long as islands of excellence within national bureaucracies were able to churn out what the invigilators in Brussels wanted, the accession process trundled happily along.
So as long as you skip the high-fat toppings such as butter, bacon bits and sour cream, including a baked potato in your diet on occasion is fine.
The two duck-tour operators in Hot Springs have stopped operations for the moment, but the ducks that trundle round elsewhere will continue to do so as long as federal law allows.
However, I do like the dual threat that Kapernick is, so as long as he can keep his emotions under control, he should be able to turn in a fine game.
FORBES: What Are The 49ers' Biggest Weaknesses Heading Into The Superbowl?
It noted that different countries had different rules about eligibility for elections and it was important that they should be given leeway to do so as long as they "struck a fair balance".
BBC: WWII veteran loses ruling on expats voting in UK elections
Of course, the DVR is popular because it's not tied down by content windows, so as long as streaming content has a shelf life out of our control, the DVR is a necessary evil.
ENGADGET: Editorial: What's wrong with TV, and what it might take to change it