As a sport that was originally played as an after dinner game on the dining tables of 19th-century English homes, table tennis seems to have come full circle as a social activity.
The Ness app launched recently to give people recommendations based on their specific tastes and past ratings on restaurants, as well as their activity on social sites such as Facebook and Foursquare.
Eventually Kotler came to see marketing as being about the exchange of values between two parties and, as such, a social activity, not just a business one.
Through that lens, it might be tempting to view governmental social media activity as solely an exercise of openness.
FORBES: The United States' Social Media Plan to Keep Syria's Chemical Weapons Safe
After isolating the effects of digital display from other social content (such as user comments and viral activity), the analysis also found that social media had much higher impact than other digital media.
This is extremely powerful, as users can easily see the social activity of their friends.
The overall NYIndex score reflects media mentions and social-media activity as of May 1, 2012.
Why are the police being encouraged to do more to tackle anti-social behaviour as well as criminal activity?
In select categories, namely seed and late stage, as well as the mobile and social sectors, investment activity became a bit feverish.
Granting the order, the city council said it would allow police to tackle anti-social behaviour associated with the activity known as "tombstoning".
BBC: Groups of tombstoners in Devon targeted by police order
So far, we have made clear that the potential for surprise will likely increase as internal corporate social networking expands and starts to put activity streams to work.
FORBES: IBM's Strategy to Manufacture Social Networking Surprises
Its confidential application was provided by the IRS to ProPublica, a news organization that was investigating whether groups that held themselves out as "social welfare" organizations were overstepping limits on political activity.
WSJ: Second Top IRS Official Leaves Agency as GOP Scrutiny Rises
It found that social activity dropped off significantly during lunch time, as many employees retreated to their desks to check emails, rather than chatting with one another.
Moodle is designed to support pedagogies based on social constructionist theory, and includes activity modules such as forums, chats, resources, journals, quizzes, surveys, choices, workshops, glossaries, lessons, and assignments.
Social streaming services such as SoundCloud, which near tripled in activity last year, have many industry veterans up in arms about the concept of releasing music for free, claiming that it devalues the work in the eyes of fans.
However, incorporating corporate social responsibility as a way of life rather than just treating it as an extracurricular activity is more often the exception rather than the rule.
FORBES: Giving It All Away: VeryNice Volunteers, With a Side of Business
This round-up of Friday's main media stories focuses on David Cameron's statement that the government is looking at banning people from using social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook if they are thought to be plotting criminal activity.
Today, it is possible that the internet itself can create the kind of social activity that used to take place at the water cooler, and that, as a result, creative work and interdependent work of many kinds can in fact best be done by employees in remote locations.
Although such payments may be justified as part of a social safety net, rewarding non-work and penalizing productive effort reduces jobs and economic activity.
During the first quarter of 2012, Viddy spoke with Facebook on numerous occasions, as the social network prepped for its initial public offering and looked to promote new content like video to boost activity on its site, Mr. O'Malley said.
Slideshare users can also manage collections of presentations, documents, videos, etc. and watch the activity and comments for each file, in addition to other common social business features such as tagging content, following other users, sharing by email, and tracking how many people like or reshare the document.
FORBES: What Do I Do With this Customer Lead From My Social Network?
The difference here is that the social activity occurs within the boundaries of the enterprise process, in one process step, or in multiple as needed to carry the conversation forth across the process.