But as sure as rampaging dinosaurs have become extinct, the days of outsized-living CEOs are over.
Just as sure as there is summer, there will be fall and eventually winter, which will be relieved by spring.
As sure as the sun comes up, the sun will go down, and the moon will rise over the horizon.
Iceland found, to its peril, that its access to the leading currencies was not as sure as it had hoped.
As sure as night follows day, a bear market brings out scores of brokerage customers who say their brokers did them wrong.
We can be as sure as one can ever be when dealing with the internet, that the top level of DNS can be kept secure.
"The information this man had dovetailed into the information we had so we are as sure as we can be that it is correct, " said Mr Gibson.
But as sure as darkness follows the light, spam text is about to cloud the cleanest online communications channel making it that much less trustworthy and valuable.
As sure as Christmas is on 25 December, the local organisers have many problems to address before the opening match, but drumming up interest in the competition is the least of their worries.
But you are sure - as sure as you can be sitting here - that Egypt will see a properly democratic, openly elected civilian government taking over by the end of the year say?
While designing the sequences, Villareal had to address practical issues like safety for passing boats and drivers on the bridge, as well as artistic considerations such as making sure the animations were viewable from up close, below the bridge, and as far away as Twin Peaks, where the bridge can been seen on fog-free nights.
CNN: San Francisco turns a bridge into art with 25,000 lights
That's as sure a bet as there is in technology. (Think voice and visual data.) Which storage architectures win out is a current hot debate among bitheads.
Third, once this tool has been used once, there is likely to be external pressure for it to be used again when other European banks get into trouble, an event that is as sure to happen as night following day.
FORBES: Cyprus Deposit Levy: No Panic Yet But Scary Long-Term Consequences
That makes it as close to a sure thing as exists at the festival level.
MS. PSAKI: Well, as I'm sure will come as no surprise, I don't think we're going to get into specifics about strategy or ads that we're planning to run.
For them, a major haul of medals is as sure a sign of great power status as their space programme or having an aircraft carrier.
It is time for women to stand up to seize this moment, as sure to wreak havoc with prevailing norms as the Second Wave feminism that inspired me in the 1960s to morph from real West Texas housewife (I mean really real -- three kids by age 20 and no employable skills) to college student to volunteer women's activist to a full-out career.
But publishing in France, as elsewhere in Europe, is dominated by big companies interested mainly in what they see as sure winners.
"We have named the best joined-up early years services as Sure Start Children's Centres and they will act as a model to transform future provision for young children and families, " said Ms Hodge.
As global production declines, the price is sure to rise as well.
Though at first often derided as tacky, the Certificate of Irish Heritage program was considered a sure bet as it would cost the government nothing, the follow through and any potential returns being farmed out to a Killorglin, Kerry company called Fexco.
And he suggested that initiatives such as Sure Start should be engaged in "outreach" work to give advice about improving home safety, such as fitting smoke alarms and stair-gates.
Of course it is their market-given right not to spend its money but I am 100% sure that the US economy cannot prosper if its best companies hoard cash on this scale and I am as sure that competitor regions are happy to see them idle that cash away.
FORBES: Apple's Problem Is America's Problem is Apple's Problem
At least as important is making sure that the computer keeps working smoothly as users fill up their hard disks or add new software.
Risk: The precedent established by granting long-term rescheduling or forgiveness for a resource-rich nation such as Russia will be called intolerable, and sure to lead to as many as 30 other debtor nations demanding the same preferential treatment from Western creditors.
My recommendation is to view direct providers as as large of a threat as other competitors and to make sure to continually point out to clients your competitive advantages vis-a-vis them, as you do everyone else.
As secretary of state, she did all she could to make sure our impact as a nation would be for the better.
BAA, as the owner of Gatwick and Stansted as well, made sure that it did not create any rivals.
And we're going to spend as much time, effort and energy as necessary to make sure that all the people in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut know that the entire country is behind them in this difficult recovery effort.