"Americans still cite privacy as one of the core values they cherish, but what's happening is this slow, insidious erosion of it, " said Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University.
It also explores the impact core values such as faith, community and family have on purchase decisions and how many brands dismiss this important cultural segment.
America's immigration system should provide opportunities for people who share the country's core values to become citizens, thereby strengthening the nation as have countless immigrants have before them.
WSJ: Jeb Bush and Clint Bolick: Solving the Immigration Puzzle
How leaders engage will be determined by their unique personal values, as well as the core competencies of the businesses they lead.
For nearly 35 years, Justice Stevens has stood as an impartial guardian of the law, faithfully applying the core values of our founding to the cases and controversies of our time.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Nominates Elena Kagan for Supreme Court
"Part of Ford's core values as a company is to invest in the places where we do business - to invest in people, in their careers and in the local communities, " said Mr Westerman.
He was, as the eulogies and obituaries portrayed him, a considerate, straightforward individual, with core values of honesty and courage.
As we face these challenges, the stories of those at Fort Hood reaffirm the core values that we are fighting for, and the strength that we must draw upon.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama at Fort Hood: "Greatness Before Our Very Eyes" | The White House
She reiterated that US and UNESCO values and interests are shared, in particular as concerns the Organization's core priorities, such as UNESCO's global outreach in education, advancing gender equality, bolstering freedom of expression and media pluralism, and preserving cultural heritage.
The core value of faith, combined with other important values consumers share such as a connection to their communities and deep commitment to their families, are very prevalent in the country as a whole, but especially in the New Heartland.
FORBES: "The Bible" Series and Importance of Faith in America
Because somewhere along the way, we, as a nation, began to lose touch with some of our core values.
The teacher evaluation system (TEVAL) has student learning, instructional practices, and professional values as its core components.