Popular western books such asThe Bookseller of Kabul and the Dressmaker of Khair Khana speak to theentrepreneurialspirit of the Afghan people, and later works such asThe Beauty School of Kabul illustrate the value of vocational training for women provided by such groups.
Asthe book Lessons from the Poor: Triumph of theEntrepreneurialSpirit, edited by Alvaro Vargas Llosa notes, regulations can contribute to worldwide poverty.
The natural gas revolution should trigger a burst of entrepreneurialspirit across the nation asthe incremental changes to our civilization should lead to a business revival and the dreams of new fortunes.
No one gets rich as a salary slave, but if you lack theentrepreneurialspirit and want to make a comfortable living, put away that salad tosser and start getting cozy with a stethoscope.
Andy Rubin has stepped down from his position as Android lead to follow his entrepreneurialspirit to new avenues -- avenues within the company, that is.
Now in recognition of Tudor's hardy entrepreneurialspirit - as well as almost two decades of scientific research on the continent - he has been awarded the Queen's Polar Medal (PM) in the New Year's honours list.