• In general terms, dumping is defined as the sale of a product in a foreign market at a lower price than the price obtained by the same producer in his home market.

    FORBES: Protectionist Antidumping Regime is a Pox on America's Glass House

  • But as the Taleban were themselves a product of US foreign policy and Bin Laden a US import into Afghanistan it is ultimately the responsibility of the US and its allies to feed these people and get them safely back to their homes.

    BBC: Have the Afghan refugees been forgotten?

  • At Little Pim we established ourselves pretty quickly as the go-to product for parents seeking foreign language programs for their kids, but we needed to go beyond this customer base if we were going to achieve the kind of scale we dreamed about.

    FORBES: Marketing Mojo: Making $8K Look Like $120K

  • Given the extraordinary share of foreign trade in its overall economy (as high as up to 65 percent of its gross domestic product), China has become a champion of free trade and strong opponent to protectionism.

    CNN: Opinion: The end of revolution

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