The centre will be inaccessible during the work, as the bridge forms part of the main route to the site.
The studies count a reduction in stroke as part of the main goal on which they will measure success or failure.
Mr. Rudey, for example, had plans drawn up to design a kitchen off the dining room, as the main kitchen is in the basement, which was part of the staff quarters.
The BBC's Jim Muir in Tunis says the announcement of the new government marked another failure, as the three main secular opposition groups which took part in intensive negotiations over the past two weeks all pulled out.
The Library also publishes works that appeal to a younger, or at least perhaps a less history-oriented, demographic, though not as part of the main series.
And anyway, the pound has been as strong and stronger against the main European currencies for a large part of the 1980s, and for almost all of the 1970s.
The main activities being taken forward as part of the 2009 programme include a range of new partnerships with three specific groups who are thought to be under-represented in parliamentary engagement: disabled people, people from ethnic minority backgrounds and hard-to-reach young people.
But the trials are also seen as part of a long and bitter rivalry between Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and the main opposition leader, former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia, who is allied with the Islamic party Jamaat-e-Islami, many of whose leaders face charges before the tribunal.
There was an ancient kitchen house in the back yard, left over from the days when kitchens were built separate from the main houses in order to prevent fires, and the hired fellow could stay there as part of his salary.
The Turkish-Cypriots, for their part, have won a moral victory by sloughing off their image as the main obstacle to the federal, demilitarised republic which both sides claim to accept in principle.
He said they were killed by members of Colombia's main rebel group, the Farc, as part of a dispute over control of an important drug route to Venezuela.
Val d'Isere is the traditional host of the start of the main European swing of the World Cup season, having staged men's races last weekend as part of the traditional Criterium de la Premiere Neige ("races of the first snow").
CNN: U.S. skier Nyman savors 'best gift' after long-awaited win
As a landlocked country without many urban areas, nature-themed tourism is the main part of the industry by default.
Attilio Capuano, the company's Asia and Pacific director, says opening stores in India's main cities is part of as strategy to strengthen its brand in the country.
And by most accounts Temasek's main interest had always been the telecom part of the business, as well, but it was forced into an all-or-nothing deal for the entire enterprise.
The original Helston branch line, which connected the town to main line services to London, was closed in 1964 as part of cuts recommended by Dr Richard Beeching, the chairman of the British Railways Board.
Vindication has also come in the form of imitation, as one leading Japanese corporation after another sold all or part of their main offices.
It comes just as farmers should be planting their crops for the main growing season, and it is happening in the most fertile part of the country.
Thompson enlisted in September 1939, trained with the Royal Artillery, and went to north Africa as part of Phantom, an irregular outfit, whose main work was front-line reconnaissance and communication.