Ian, the eldest, was widely seen as the publisher, while Kevin, three years younger, was seen by some as the "wheeler dealer".
Ms Ahern's agent said the literary contracts had nothing to do with her father's position, as the publisher who clinched the deal did not even know she was the Irish prime minister's daughter.
That looks to be on the tentative mend, as the publisher and 3M have together cut deals with the Brooklyn Public Library and New York Public Library to bring Penguin's e-book catalog back as part of a test program.
ENGADGET: Penguin slinks back into e-book lending for New York City libraries, with a possible catch
By recommending that children be introduced to reading by means of some "easy pleasant book, " Locke pointed the way for the creation by England's John Newbery two generations later of a new type of illustrated children's book in which, unrepentantly, amusement shared pride of place with instruction as the publisher's stated goal.
Five hundred copies of the hardcover were printed, the same as the poetry that the publisher specializes in.
But Google increasingly has positioned itself as the more publisher-friendly alternative to Apple through its various initiatives with news organizations.
Sulzberger was the third in his family line and the second with his surname to serve as publisher of the Times.
FORBES: Arthur O. Sulzberger, NY Times Publisher and Patriarch, Dead at Age 86
In the event of disagreement which cannot be resolved, the Publisher, as professor of this laboratory classroom experience, shall have the final decision, as with all Department-sponsored laboratory media courses.
But I also think it serves as a distraction from other complaints leveled at the game publisher, such as DRM concerns, day-one downloadable content, and micro-transactions included in full-price games.
FORBES: EA Responds To Worst Company In America Contest: 'We Can Do Better'
He was closely involved in day-to-day operations only as publisher of the New York Post.
The publishing company will include newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal, the HarperCollins book publisher, Australian TV assets and its fledgling for-profit education business, Amplify.
Speaking before the trial started, Google executives said that it was a fundamental error for regulators to treat the engine as a publisher of information, rather than a distributor.
The ironic impulse was occasionally tested, as when billionaire publisher Felix Dennis , purveyor of the male fantasy magazine Maxim, urged all women never, ever to submit to plastic surgery.
It's possible that games like Skyrim will receive mods that make the (many, many) in-game menus usable, but it's certain that support won't come from the game's publisher, Bethesda Softworks, as it recently finalized production on the game.
When Jobs resigned as Chief Executive of Apple, the publisher, Agate Publishing, moved publication up to Nov. 15, 2011.
FORBES: Another Steve Jobs Book Aims To Accelerate Publication By One Month
Before joining Kleiner Perkins in 2008, Gordon spent a decade working as the chief creative officer for game publisher Electronic Arts.
FORBES: Video Game Industry Veterans See The IPad As A Serious Challenger
Though both MySpace and AOL have partnered with Google in other deals, they may increasingly see the search giant as a competing publisher.
If no publisher is registered as the exclusive provider of an edition in a given country, the ebook retailers just refuse to sell to people in those countries.
FORBES: But Why Would Amazon Wipe Your Kindle? To Protect Amazon
Smirnoff had met Grisham at the bookstore and was soon editing his blockbuster courtroom dramas, such as The Chamber and The Street Lawyer, before they were sent to his publisher.
John Wiley and Sons, the textbook publisher suing Kirtsaeng, has its share of backers as well, including the movie and music industries, software companies, and other book publishers.
FORBES: Supreme Court Judges Hurricane Sandy Not To Be A Big Deal
Under the plan approved in principle by the board Wednesday night, publishing assets such as the Journal, the Times of London, the New York Post and scores of other papers along with the HarperCollins book publisher and the education business, will be spun off as a separately traded company that is yet to be named.
WSJ: Rupert Murdoch Has Change of Heart on Publishing Business
Conde Nast, publisher of magazines such as the New Yorker, in August invested in Flite and now uses Flite to create customized ad products customized for its publications.
Gaikai is minimal in nature, designed to open in a web browser, and acting as little more than a channel for the publisher: to push demos frictionlessly to browsers.
FORBES: Eurogamer Ties up with Gaikai - Web Gaming for 5 Million Visitors
The publisher describes the novel as the coming-of-age story of a gifted young man whose search for meaning leads him to New York, England, Paris and a mission patrolling the demilitarized zone in Korea.
In addition to the announcement Tuesday that the comic book "Justice League" would be starting again at issue No. 1 in September, DC officials told CNN the publisher would also be renumbering and modernizing such titles as Wonder Woman, Aquaman, The Flash, The Fury of Firestorm, The Savage Hawkman, Green Arrow, Justice League International, Mister Terrific, Captain Atom and DC Universe Presents.
Not to put too fine a point on it, he acted as a cat's-paw for his boss, Punch Sulzberger, when the publisher got rid of his own more liberal cousin, John Oakes, as editor of the editorial page.
The value, according to Bob Overstreet , publisher of the Overstreet Comic Price Guide, could be as high as half a million dollars.