"You have to be prepared for setbacks as they occur, " Ms. Altfest says.
Unfortunately, that's not true for managing mobile costs, where playing defense means addressing devices and their costs strictly as they occur.
Businesses are demanding these changes: it has become the norm to work in real time and be aware of updates as they occur.
To do this requires the ability to gain insights as they occur to understand allocation of network resources based on traffic and application requirements, network usage patterns.
So far, it's at tech-oriented conferences like this where people are most aware of the "backchannel, " or the real-time electronic chit-chat going on about presentations as they occur.
"The current situation means we're accepting the risk that combat airpower may not be ready to respond immediately to new contingencies as they occur, " Hostage said in a statement.
We have been social creatures from our first steps on earth, but my sons will grow up in a world where they can actively participate in events around the globe, as they occur.
FORBES: Social Media: How my childhood heroes led me to a life in social media
In a prior post about how Woody Allen creates, you read that he and other artists let their random ideas flow unimpeded, note them as they occur, and then lay out the notes in a panoramic view.
You won't have to give up half your hard drive space to do it: The motion-activated program captures images only when it's triggered and provides a time-stamped video of events as they occur without recording the inactivity between events.
The survey results indicated that 70 percent of chemicals companies surveyed claim the ability to proactively manage spot shortages or oversupplies in their system, but this, of course, means that nearly one-third of companies in the industry are merely reactive, responding to supply imbalances as they occur.
Still, some in the Central African Republic questioned the utility of such talks, if they occur as rebels continue to wage attacks.
They occur to us as way more hybrid than car.
FORBES: More People Are Buying Hybrid Cars. So Why Won't They Stick With Them?
For example, management fortified its due diligence procedures and required deal teams to quantify factors that would be deal breakers, as well as specify scenarios where they would likely occur.
On Thursday Mr Shinde told reporters in Delhi that authorities had received intelligence about possible attacks in the country but no specific information as to where or when they might occur.
As for irksome capital gain distributions that must be shared with the IRS, they just about never occur at index funds organized as ETFs (exchange-traded funds).
It may occur to journalists, as they shiver on the red carpet in the February cold, that the French Riviera in May sounds like a better option.
In fact, eye squints can be observed as people read contracts or proposals, and when they occur, it is almost always a sign of having seen something troubling or problematic.
They can provide context they might not know such as time when actions occur, ancillary demographic information about others interested in similar subjects, or surveys, polls, or reviews on an object from both their friends and the wider population.
FORBES: Serendipity Lies At The Heart Of Business Relationships
The rest would occur naturally as Americans came to realize that they would be able to count on Social Security for a smaller and diminishing slice of their retirement income.
But the accountants say it's nothing compared with the mess that would occur if the numbers they assemble were used as instruments of public policy.
FORBES: Why Everybody's Jumping On The Accountants These Days
They said that cold Decembers are now half as likely to occur versus 50 years ago, whereas warm Novembers are now 62 times more likely.
CNN: Extreme weather: Get ready to see more of it, scientists say
As I say, I'm oblivious to these incidents when they occur and they only last one or two seconds.
And when more than a few of those helium sources are shut down for maintenance and repair, as they have been over the last few months, helium shortages can occur.
Our IBOPE Zogby interactive polling shows quite clearly that large numbers of GOP voters are not bothered a shutdown might occur, and that that they would welcome it as a way of forcing more budget cuts.
They occur in nearly any complex environment and may be acting as source rock, reservoir or cap rock.
Since management put that argument aside in the MOU negotiations, they can no longer use it as an excuse should the merger not occur.
FORBES: US Airways Pilots Approve Merger Contract in Win for Union President
As circular as it sounds, rare events are rare primarily because they don't occur very often, and not because of any preventive security measures.
But when they do occur, we always conduct a thorough investigation without prejudice as soon as possible, regardless of culpability in the incident.
As people warm up to the police, they begin to report more of the crimes that occur, thus pushing up the figures.
Though such events seem to spring from nowhere, as if the cortex is surprising us with a breakthrough, scientists have begun studying how they occur.