Now, I should say right up front as the professional forecasters in each of our offices who contribute to the forecast frequently say, we are economists and not soothsayers and all forecasts have to be understood to be subject to substantial margins of error.
WHITEHOUSE: Detailing the FY2011 Budget
Such investment is to be encouraged, and those who say otherwise should be condemned as "Chicken Little xenophobes" in the words of former GE chairman Jack Welch and his wife, Suzy.
There are some older parliamentarians who have bees in their bonnets about checks and balances and who say that committee chairmanship should be looked upon as a useful career in itself.
ECONOMIST: Dear Worried of Westminster
Critics see the navigators as potential competitors to insurance brokers, and say that they are effectively federal government employees who should be subject to rigorous screening.
WSJ: Role of Health-Law 'Navigators' Under Fire
You've got a critical mass of independents and some - and a good number - a plurality of Democrats who say that the IRS overreached, and the Republicans should look at those as a gift.
NPR: With White House Bogged Down By Scandal, GOP Looks For Boost
They also agreed that farmers who break laws on, say, hormones or pollution, should lose some of their subsidies as a consequence.
BBC: Euro MPs reject radical CAP farm subsidy reforms
The draft guidelines say that magistrates should impose higher fines on the most serious offenders, such as those who are guilty of deliberate dumping of polluting chemicals or sharp objects that are hazardous to health.
BBC: Rubbish dumped by a sign that reads "No Dumping"