Politicians routinely test constitutional limits but hadn t previously ascertained the Commerce Clause s precise frontier.
This can be ascertained by looking at the size of the coefficients on DP and DP-squared.
FORBES: Post-Lockout NFL Rookie Pay: A New Frontier with Lower Premiums Paid to Top Picks, QBs
Dr Curtis had twice said the cause of his death could not be ascertained.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Baby 'was starved of oxygen'
Mr. Ford might have ascertained this to be the case had he bothered to make inquiries.
However, the severity of the injury was only ascertained this week after the player consulted a specialist.
Lorency said Operation Compassion used retail prices as a base because they can be ascertained more easily.
FORBES: Charity Eyes Quarter-Billion-Dollar Write-Down In Value Of Goods Handled
On a wall behind him you see two large circles, whose meanings scholars have debated and never ascertained.
The circumstances attending the dreadful deed have not yet been correctly ascertained, nor has the youth been apprehended.
"We haven't ascertained when they're ready for that and how we're going to organise that, but they certainly want to, " the spokeswoman said.
The circumstances are, basically, no one has absolutely ascertained what happened.
The murderer was never caught, nor was the motive ever ascertained.
FORBES: Eric Hebborn Wants To Teach You How To Forge Art. Got A Pen? [Book Excerpt #2]
It could not be ascertained if Fenton was caring for Holmes under the threat-assessment program or under routine counseling she provided to students on campus.
MSN: Colorado shooting suspect was under psychiatrist's care
As these lived for less than a thousandth of a second, their presence was ascertained by examining the daughter atoms into which they quickly decayed.
Coming to terms with all of this information quickly is essential, so that it can be ascertained how a rescue plan or restructuring can be put together.
The letter, signed by six representatives including Rep. Tim Bishop, D-New York, asks for data from the military about tumor rates to see if a pattern of problems can be ascertained.
And the census, due to take place in a few weeks, must be fairly conducted so that the Albanians' true demographic weight, claimed by some to be approaching 40%, can be ascertained.
As of this writing, gold appeared set to close out the week with a half-percent loss in value but the final tally remains to be ascertained later on in the day.
On Wednesday Russia's Investigative Committee said it had also conducted its own probe, and had ascertained that Mr. Lugovoi and a colleague, Dmitry Kovtun, were also exposed to polonium in the restaurant.
Only a tiny amount, about one part in a thousand of the paint by weight, is needed, and other marine species are not, as far as can be ascertained, affected by it.
The review concludes with a recommendation for close monitoring of what it calls "indicators of potential violence, " as though that potential is something that can be reliably ascertained, let alone precluded, without acknowledging the underlying cause.
It has since been ascertained, beyond a doubt, that the murderer of the unfortunate gentleman is no other than his third son, Richard Dadd, a fine young man, 24 years age, and that he committed the act whilst labouring under an aberration of intellect.