To underestimate the value consumers ascribe to riding in a style that reflects their persona is risky.
Up until October 6, 2008, the Fed had the power that Romer, Beckworth, Ponnuru, and Sumner ascribe to it.
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Yoon, on the other hand, does not ascribe to this point of view.
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So, the one thing we know you cannot do is ascribe to Pfizer UK the same general profit margin that Pfizer worldwide makes.
Athenian newspapers, including pro-opposition ones, have kept an odd silence on the issue, a silence some Greeks ascribe to the power of the construction lobby.
There seems to be a desire to ascribe to the Maya supernatural prophetic powers they did not possess but a failure to appreciate the true wonders of their civilization.
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Out of the 46 million Americans with no religious affiliation, 13 millions are self-described atheists and agnostics, but another 33 million are people who ascribe to some faith just not to any house of worship.
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Dimension-wise, the W1 is a girthy phone, cutting a silhouette that's just about 10mm -- so, it stands far outside the "world's thinnest" category that we've heard so much about at this CES. It also bears a bit of heft which we can't ascribe to its battery size.
To ascribe Asian success to some abstract number is to trivialize it.
This gap, created by our ability to generate data much faster than we can ever ascribe meaning to it via traditional approaches, has been evident in biomedicine since the late 1990s (see Figure 1 here).
Until recently, most archeologists continued to ascribe the Neolithic revolution to a combination of climatic and demographic factors.
But it is wrong and unhelpful to ascribe crass partisan motivations to any justice with whom one disagrees.
"It's really tricky to ascribe changes in employment to trade, " says Susan Houseman, a senior economist at the W.E.
To ascribe profit-seeking to a profession that is heralded as an embodiment of self-sacrifice would offend the sensibilities of the public and many physicians.
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Applying this same process today, in a slow growth environment, we believe rational investors should be willing to ascribe a higher value to businesses with strong growth prospects.
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The smog went but I don't know how much one could ascribe it to the actions taken.
Some Western diplomats ascribe this to the pressure hawks in the diaspora have applied to the Armenian president, Serzh Sargsyan.
We might ascribe it to an outburst of greed, the people running the companies are demanding every more in profits for example.
Many liberals ascribe it to the redistricting that followed the 2010 Census.
WSJ: Michael Barone: The Meaning Inside the Political Numbers
If one of them fails, we ascribe it to their individual characteristics.
We also ascribe values to reserves.
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It's surprising to hear him talk this way, because researchers don't usually ascribe human emotions to animals.
Engaged customers reliably ascribe more value to the product in question, as demonstrated by changes in attitude, behavior, product enjoyment, and spending.
Lots of people are primed and ready to ascribe her with an integrity that only she (out there amongst the Hollywood heathens) supposedly possesses.
What I was feeling was the same complex firing of neurons and synapses that ascribe human emotion to the furry, the liquid eyed, the infantile.
Dr Goldenberg and Dr Levy ascribe this rise to the internet.
This result will astonish the motley crew of economists, policy makers, central bankers, U.S. Congressmen, American labor leaders, journalists, trade lawyers, Japanese prime ministers and others who ascribe mystical powers to exchange rates.
Too many people ascribe today's mess solely to the excesses of American finance.
Others ascribe the enthusiasm for instalment funds to aggressive sales tactics rather than a new national interest in the stockmarket.
ECONOMIST: South Korean mutual funds: Mania by instalments | The
People ascribe, you know, motives to me beyond a simple statement.