"For a debut, you couldn't ask for anything better and you've got the best to come, " said Khan's promoter Frank Warren.
And in my household -- is if you say you're not hungry, then you have to eat your vegetables, and then you get up and leave, and you don't ask for anything else, and go to bed, right?
God, you are merciful and I don't have anything else to ask for from you.
But Harare's money-changers will happily give 70 or 80, unless you ask for a receipt, while industrialists looking for foreign exchange must part with anything up to 100 Zim dollars to get hold of a single greenback.
Such sessions, known as AMAs (Ask Me Anything), can be rough for those answering questions, if they are judged by Reddit members to be ducking controversial issues.
My litmus test for these companies is simple: Ask for a contract to review upfront before you sign anything.
He hosted an "Ask Me Anything" session on the popular website Reddit, fielding users' questions for more than 12 hours.
"There are so many kids who are stubborn against anything teachers say, who are struggling in the classroom and refuse to ask for help, " Turner said.
For example, if you are passed over for a promotion, calmly ask why the other person received it, if there is anything you could do to secure the next one and if you are viewed as more of a helper rather than a leader in the office.
Ohanian helped Chambers host an AMA ("Ask Me Anything") on Reddit and create a project on crowd-funding site Kickstarter to pay for his first new album in decades.
We ask our navigation systems for driving routes, we ask Hipmunk for recommendations on the next vacation, we ask Amazon to find us the best bargain, and we ask Siri anything we like.
FORBES: Why I Choose Software Over A Human For Investment Advice