But when I told her I had got permission from Dirk to ask her out she relented, obviously from feelings of hurt and bitterness.
Several times recently, he says, he's used information he discovered on his daughter's Facebook page to spark a discussion with her in person, most recently about the need for a boy to ask her out by calling, rather than texting or emailing.
WSJ: Parents and children meet and clash on social-networking sites
Severn Suzuki - daughter of the renowned conservationist David - went to the Rio Earth Summit 20 years ago as a 13-year-old to ask her elders to sort themselves out.
Should the court convict Ms. Knox, Italian authorities could ask the U.S. to extradite her to serve out her sentence in Italy.
Because studies show that one of the most sensitive questions for detecting depression in someone is simply to ask him or her if they've been feeling very stressed out over the last couple of weeks.
You could ask your boss to pay for a conference that looks interesting, ask a former co-worker and her new co-workers out to a happy hour, or, at the very least, join some LinkedIn groups.
When other adopted children were picked up by their families, she would take out her photo of the three of us and ask her caregivers where her mama and papa were.
Check out the resources in her area or community, or ask her hospital for helpful and therapeutic resources.
Joanna Argus, an Ohio woman in her late twenties who works as a fundraising consultant, found out about this for the first time when one of her clients called to ask about it.
FORBES: A reputation nightmare: Becoming the 'sexting' mascot
But she could take some heat if she didn't ask the tough questions and if the material proves unworthy of her network's decision to spread it out over two nights, not one as first announced.
The conflict between pursuit of health and of athletic glory is particularly acute in Meghan Newcomer, a 32-year-old professional triathlete who in recent years passed out during several races, requiring acute medical attention and prompting her loved ones to ask her to slow down or retire.