Sir Muir was asked by MPs why he didn't ask specifically if e-mails had been deleted, something that could contravene Freedom of Information laws.
But when you hear Mr. Yahya talk, what level of importance does this have I want to just ask specifically, you think, for the black community in terms of justice?
He can ask him specifically, in certain instances, what he did.
Because Crystal has thought a lot about how to create the life that reflects your values related to money, I was curious to ask her specifically about happiness.
Is he going to specifically ask them to take an active, supporting role for his education and research agenda?
That's not an apples-to-apples comparison, since the questions were asked in different ways and since Pew didn't ask about just Facebook specifically.
But I am here today, I came here specifically, to ask you to just keep on working.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at Girls Inc. of Omaha Event
But when she moved to Silicon Valley, people would ask her to explain far more specifically what his company did.
FORBES: How Jeff Haynie Built It -- With Help From The Silicon Valley Start-up Common
Ask if the law or regulation specifically empowers them to shut down the stand or merely issue tickets for violations, especially a first violation.
Specifically, Netanyahu should ask the US to cut off all US economic and military assistance to the PA. Two PA intelligence officers were arrested as part of the Fogel murder investigation.
Specifically, we may need to ask all taxpayers to wait longer to receive their tax refunds, or we may need to increase IRS staffing significantly.
FORBES: IRS, Police Consider Sharing Info as Tax Fraud Increases
We ask that you commit to develop similar federally backed institutions designed specifically for tribes, Alaska natives, Alaska native corporations.
When you find one, ask questions about their experience, what they specialize in, and specifically how they are compensated.
FORBES: Red Flags: How to Know When Your CPA Isn't Really Working For You
Even though the bill may contain provisions that are problematic, it opens the door for business to ask Congress to limit the reach of the EO and PPD-21 by requiring all cybersecurity regulations to be specifically authorized by Congress.