But let me just ask you about this development today with Mr. Gonzales former aide.
Representative ELIJAH CUMMINGS (Democrat, Maryland): Mr. Fuld, I want to ask you about your personal responsibilities.
If I may, I'd like to ask you about two other important issues in the news.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Confirming Richard Cordray
And Jeff, I was going to ask you about this first because you're a former Boy Scout.
Let me ask you about the American Jobs Act if you can, and its impact on Florida.
Also, take the high road when people ask you about your former boss.
Let me ask you about money and the month of January, because there are new reports out today on campaign fundraising.
And, Mr. President, may I also ask you about your talk with the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom yesterday?
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Karzai Press Availability
"They can ask you about any part of the law, " said Thomas Goldstein, a leading Washington appellate attorney and founder of scotusblog.com.
Mr. SIDNEY POITIER (as Virgil Tibbs): To ask you about Mr. Colbert.
Let me ask you about a song that a lot of people don't like under any circumstance, but by a great songwriter and singer, Paul Anka.
Mr. President, I wanted to ask you about the other rising giant of our region -- India -- and the Prime Minister might like to add some comments.
The reporter may ask you about a subject which you know a great deal, only you have already decided it is not one of your main messages on this topic.
So I want to ask you about small business.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions from Senate Democrats
You are protected to a degree, in that, if I was your commander, I could not ask you about your sexual orientation and you are under no obligation to disclose that orientation.
And while I have you on your feet, I want to ask you about Egypt, as well, whether you feel that Mr. Mubarak should be stepping down sooner, it would help the transition?
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Harper Press Conference | The White House
But before we go to calls, we've got to take a break, but I also wanted to ask you about something called skiffs, and this is apparently the great competition within the agency , is how much skiff space you've got.
So I wanted to ask you about the report yesterday from the CBO about the fiscal cliff, which said that Americans should expect a significant recession and 2 million job losses if the spending cuts and tax hikes go through.
Can I ask you about the International Criminal Court point - again that I was talking with Liam Fox about - because Labour was a great supporter of all of that, the idea of international justice and drag the tyrants to court and convict them.
And I want to ask you about a couple of questions that came up this week, and I don't - (unintelligible) to put them in the same ball of wax, but Governor Romney, former Governor Romney was asked, if you're in favor of the surge, why aren't your sons in the military.