Around midnight, I fell asleep, but I had to keep getting up to pee.
The boy, thought to be about five-years-old, was found asleep in a neighbouring compartment.
It was always charging around the gaff, or asleep, beside its mat at the back door.
After a long silence, just when I suspected he had fallen asleep, Taleb spoke again.
He has basically fallen asleep in his scallops, a dot of sour cream on his tie.
The couple's two daughters, aged eight and six, were asleep in the house at the time.
In the thin air, the kids promptly fell asleep and Marji fumbled with her movie camera.
They stressed that the drugs may not necessarily have caused the patients to fall asleep.
When he looks in she's asleep, still in her bathrobe, wrapped in an afghan.
At the end of the meal, at the table next to them, Daddy is asleep.
And then, hours later, when Constance had finally fallen asleep, the phone woke her.
The researchers have demonstrated the effectiveness of this technique in living mice, both awake and asleep.
It has been blamed for road traffic accidents where people have fallen asleep behind the wheel.
Investigators later ruled the crash an accident, saying he fell asleep at the wheel.
"We've had some people fall asleep the second they sit back, " Ms. Sahatqija said.
One admitted he had fallen asleep during part of the 1 hour 52 minute film.
Consumer tech innovation is not asleep: it has moved to software in the cloud.
By the time he came in to remove the needles, I was almost asleep.
The spokesman added that Mr. Singh's three cellmates were asleep when he killed himself.
He couldn't believe they didn't stop him, but thinks they must have been asleep.
In one home, 12 people from the same extended family were huddled, mostly asleep.
They also tend to fall asleep immediately on the massage table because they are so shattered.
As he entered the town, he saw a man asleep beside some flowerpots containing plastic flowers.
Nobody was asleep at the wheel of globalization because there is no wheel to speak of.
"He was breathing as if he was asleep when I left him, " she said.
But if I fall asleep and the microphone hits the floor, just cut me off.
The scientists measured how long the infants cried each night before they fell asleep.
So no matter where he is in the world, you've got to be asleep, okay?
Angels appear on earrings, thimbles and dinner plates, as flying pins and cherubs curled up asleep.
Following takeoff, the woman fell asleep and had her jacket draped across her legs.
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