As with virtually all other aspects of cotton farming, substantial assistance has been provided by the government.
The running track which bordered the pitch also served as a reminder of the worst aspects of Wembley.
As with most aspects of the arts today, ivory towers are so two centuries ago.
All these aspects are what they are and should be enjoyed for what they are.
During these meetings, the Director-General reviewed various aspects of the cooperation between UNESCO and Algeria.
He was also involved in some aspects of the European Security Conference (the Helsinki Conference).
It combined so many different aspects of things that I had worked on in the past.
And now we need to discuss and cooperate on various aspects on European missile defense.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Bilateral Meeting with President Medvedev of Russia | The White House
Banking commissioners in Pennsylvania, Washington and North Carolina are weighing aspects of suitability-type requirements.
Your enterprise-class platform must seamlessly encompass all major aspects of your business to be truly successful.
FORBES: InfosysVoice: Choosing an enterprise-class, business-ready social media platform
"There is some double-speak going on, as uncertainties apply to many aspects of clouds, " he says.
How do you feel about the various aspects of social change by way of social networking?
We must also understand all aspects of poverty in order to tailor our response appropriately.
Conversely, it has positive aspects for the economies of the U.S. and western Europe.
The perennial appeal of its literary and social aspects has delighted readers since its first appearance.
It means that consumer preferences will soon start to rule many aspects of enterprise IT.
AirNet had planes, flew cargo, had logistics aspects to the business model, and leveraged sophisticated technology.
For me, Facebook and Twitter are declining aspects of my work and social life.
Christmas Decor handles all aspects of holiday decorations, from design and installation to takedown and storage.
Does Gap know which competitors to raid, and for which aspects of the business?
FORBES: Fashion Retail:From Afterthought to "Cornerstone" in 10 Years
If you were talking about all the other aspects, the cost would be even greater.
There are aspects of Star Wars, notably The Phantom Menace, that make me uncomfortable.
FORBES: Does Jabba the Hut's Palace Really Look Like a Mosque?
And that lends itself to lots of different aspects of life both personal, educational and business.
Drchrono attempts to provide an efficient way for doctors to manage all aspects of their practices.
FORBES: Drchrono Brings iPad-Based Medical Records To Doctors
Also missing is a sense of how resented certain aspects of the allied presence were.
Yet, promoting these aspects of the game may come at the expense of low post play.
Thompson wants to probe all aspects of campaign finance activity with an eye toward possible legislation.
New aspects of it, along with new mobility software, will be announced in Vegas.
Well, global warming is happening and it has a pervasive influence on all aspects of weather.
Fortunately, Bitcoin transcends the conventional philosophy of regulation by reducing certain aspects to irrelevancy.
FORBES: Bitcoin Foundation Expands Global Media Opportunities