"After all these years, I have a face to fit my assailant that evening, " says Albert.
He said the district would investigate how the assailant was able to carry a gun.
Mr. Basin's assailant was eventually charged with several misdemeanors in the incident, including attempted third-degree assault.
After nicking Mr Mubarak on the arm, the 40-year-old assailant was shot dead by bodyguards.
The official said he was being shown photos to see if he could identify his alleged assailant.
Mr Portsmouth denied in court he was her assailant and said it was a case of mistaken identity.
Cone was asked on CNN's "American Morning" whether Munley's shots brought down the assailant and stopped him from shooting.
Police said the woman fought off her assailant when he tried to grab her again before she called authorities.
In the hospital, he identified the assailant by the tattoos on his arms.
The simple truth is that it is illegal to disarm your online assailant.
Believing that the assailant was no longer on campus, police didn't think he posed a threat to other students.
When he returned to the car, he found she had been shot by an unknown assailant, according to Blake.
The assailant killed two Afghan policemen and wounded four, including the district police chief, before he was gunned down, Koraishi said.
Some sprang into action, chasing after the assailant and helping the wounded.
Laviani identified the alleged assailant as Luigi Preiti, a 49-year-old from Calabria, a southern agricultural area plagued by organized crime and chronic unemployment.
Then the assailant fled down into the forest, through the wispy tangles of moss that hang from the oaks like a dragon's goatee.
When police arrived, "the reporting party identified herself as Tila Nguyen, aka Tila Tequila, and her alleged assailant as Shawne Merriman, " the statement said.
CNN: NFL's Merriman arrested, accused of choking Tila Tequila
At Legal Insurrection, William Jacobson has posted what appears to be a large high quality screen capture of the assailant depicted in the video.
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The interrogation of one captured assailant should give authorities some answers.
Investigators say that thus far, Tamerlan Tsarnaev's path to violence appears more similar to those of mass shooters such as the assailant in the Aurora, Colo.
But the government later said there had been one assailant, who had attacked worshippers in two churches and been stopped from entering a third, AP reported.
Even outside jail, most rape victims do not report the crime, notes Mr DeBlasio, and they are unlikely to be confined to a cell with their assailant.
Saudi officials believe that the prince's assailant exploded the 100-gram device using a detonator with a chemical fuse, which would also not be detected by a metal detector.
CNN: Analysis: Similar explosive on plane used in Saudi attack
U.S. officials say they believe there was a single assailant.
In other cases, it means reporting to the assailant himself.
FORBES: The Military's 'Invisible War:' A Call To Action To Stop Sexual Assaults
"It is obvious that a woman belonging to a labouring class, who is accustomed to hard and rough work, " would be able to fight off an assailant, it said.
The serviceman, age 23, suffered wounds to the neck when the assailant attacked him from behind with a knife or box cutter as he patrolled the capital's La Defense neighborhood.
Police are investigating reports that the assailant is the same man who attacked a former police officer outside a court in the nearby city of Panchkula, Haryana state, last February.
The 33-year-old assailant, identified only as Nargis, arrived at the HQ on Monday looking for the police chief, the governor of Kabul or the head of the criminal investigation department.