Last week, Assam's best quality tea was priced 10% lower than five years ago.
Assam, in a red baseball cap and close-cropped beard, claims ties with the Iraqi fighters.
In the comfortable living room in the Jordanian capital, Hudefa Assam(ph) listens to his latest CD.
Assam, one of the states in India's troubled northeast, has been hit by several explosions recently.
Flooding has also affected the Indian state of Assam and northern parts of Bangladesh.
BBC: Pakistan floods 'kill more than 400' over past fortnight
Meanwhile, talks between trade unions representing tea labourers in Assam and the ITA have also fallen through.
Anandita Dutta Tamuly, 28, achieved the bizarre and fiery undertaking in the Indian north-eastern state of Assam.
"In Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram and Nagaland, poverty in 2009-10 has increased, " the commission said in a statement.
BBC: 'Sharp drop' in India poverty due to welfare programmes
Four tribespeople have died in violence on the border of the north-eastern Indian states of Assam and Meghalaya.
Durga Bhumij, president of the Assam Tea Tribes Students Association, said the strike won backing from workers across Assam.
Wildlife officials say in the last two years elephants have killed at least 180 people in Assam and Meghalaya.
For a while, Assam even had its own immigration policy, until that was struck down by the Supreme Court.
The Assam conflict also spread because people elsewhere sought to capitalise on it.
India is the world's largest tea producer, with Assam accounting for about 55% of its 856m kilogram production last year.
Strauss denied a claim by the Assam Cricket Association that the teams had been prepared to play a shortened game.
Locals here in Assam and the neighboring states of Manipur and Nagaland add fresh chopped chilies to the pot when cooking curries.
India has deployed aerial drones over Kaziranga National Park in Assam state in a bid to protect endangered one-horned rhinos from poachers.
Assam Forest Minister Rockybul Hussain said this was the first time that drones had been used for wildlife protection anywhere in India.
Mr Khandait said the union was also considering an indefinite strike in Assam's tea gardens if management did not accept their demands.
In a statement, he condemned the Assam bombings and said "adequate measures" would be taken to ensure peace and stability in Assam.
Assam's elephant expert Kushal Konwar Sharma, a lecturer, said these elephants frequently consume rice beer and cause devastation when they become intoxicated.
They said a Rabha tribesman had been shot dead on the Assam side of the border by security forces for creating trouble.
INDIA's two biggest tea companies, Tata Tea and Williamson Magor, have been accused of aiding insurgents in the north-eastern state of Assam.
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was due to visit Assam Tuesday.
After that, most planters in Assam have been willing to buy protection.
By contrast in Assam, a north-eastern state troubled by militants, Congress swept back to power, apparently because voters approve of its peace efforts.
Last year the 37-year-old Hindu truck driver became the envy of his friends when he married a 16-year-old Muslim from Assam, in India's north-east.
Tewary's neighbor, Bhishma Narain Singh, former governor, successively, of the states of Tamil Nadu and Assam, used the same ploy to acquire an identical house.
For example, do we have the right Mohammad Assam in custody?
Small drones, such as flying cameras, are already available worldwide, and non-military surveillance were recently introduced to track poachers in the remote Indian state of Assam.