The man was detained on suspicion of aggravated burglary, resisting arrest, disorderly behaviour and assaulting police.
State media said video posted online showed Li Yali's son assaulting police.
The young man had several arrests, including one for assaulting two police officers in Brooklyn in 2010.
Mr Bircham was also charged with assaulting a police officer and Mr Kerbin with having an offensive weapon.
Meanwhile, Histon have terminated the contract of defender Erkan Okay after he was convicted of assaulting a police officer.
They cuffed and arrested Jesse and charged him with assaulting a police officer.
He also pleaded no contest to charges of assaulting a police officer who was attempting to serve a subpoena on a Kilpatrick friend in that case.
CNN: Ex-Detroit Mayor Kilpatrick convicted in corruption case
The court heard Hayden left his girlfriend lying on the floor and went to his parents' house where he was arrested after also assaulting two police officers.
Prosecutors asked Mr Zimmerman's wife, Shellie, about a 2005 incident when her husband was arrested for assaulting a police officer, and an anger management course he had been required to take.
Paul Obonyano, 42, of Moss Side, was jailed for 14 weeks for assaulting a police officer and a public order offence, and Paul Ruane, 47, of Newton Heath, was jailed for eight weeks for handling stolen goods.
Judge Hart also warned the boy - who has previous convictions for assaulting a police officer, disorderly behaviour and battery - that if he breaches the terms of the sentence he faces a 12-month detention and training order in a young offenders' institute.
Mr Charnley faces a charge of disorderly behaviour, while the youth is accused of disorderly behaviour, assaulting and resisting police, obstructing a road and possessing cannabis.
At SFSU, two students were arrested by police for assaulting college Republicans who held an anti-Hamas rally.
In 2010, she received a police caution for assaulting her daughter outside a Poundstretcher in Hulme and the following year, the court heard, the child was taken away from her.
And in 2009, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, then 22, was arrested for domestic assault and battery after allegedly assaulting his girlfriend, according to Cambridge Police records cited by the website
Ms Mullen and Wilson were interviewed by police the following day and admitted assaulting Ms Leiper.
He is charged with assaulting two officers, causing criminal damage to a police car and having a hammer and knife with intent to resist arrest.
Police had earlier arrested a Salafi Islamist accused of assaulting the head of Manouba's public security brigade during clashes between alcohol sellers and Salafists in Tunis on Saturday.
Police told social workers Mr McElhill had convictions for sexually assaulting teenage girls, even though the information was in their own files, had anyone looked it up.
"The government is assaulting Buddhism, " Ye Min Oo shouted, his cuffed hands high above his head, as police pushed him through a crowd outside a Yangon courthouse recently.
Police in New York pulled him off his Paris-bound flight and charged him with sexually assaulting a hotel chambermaid. (The charges were later dropped, and prosecutors said they doubted the maid's reliability.) An aide phoned Ms. Merkel at her central-Berlin home that Saturday and told her the news.
WSJ: European Disunion: Dithering at the Top Turned EU Crisis to Global Threat