How could our high schoolers assent to serving as walking billboards for shoe and sweatshirt manufacturers?
If approved there, it would be sent to Parliament for approval and Royal Assent.
The public mood is also one of grudging assent, if not exactly fervent support.
President Pranab Mukherjee gave his assent on Sunday to new rape laws recommended by the government.
With luck, Mr Kohl could have German parliamentary assent to euro-participation behind him by the summer.
The Republicans have vowed to exact deep spending cuts in return for their assent.
On October 7th, the speaker of the National Assembly suggested that Mr Roh should quickly assent.
We can only hope that central bankers in the developed world assent to that principle very soon.
There are lots of PowerPoint presentations, chocolate biscuits and nodding heads, some in silent assent, some in sleep.
Tavdy was a proprietary trader at Andover, a registered broker-dealer that was acquired by Assent in March 2003.
The assent of the Lords is not essential, subject to certain conditions, in the case of 'money bills'.
Because Plaintiffs did not assent to the terms, no contract exists, and they cannot be compelled to arbitrate.
FORBES: How Zappos' User Agreement Failed In Court and Left Zappos Legally Naked
If it is passed then Royal Assent is given and the bill becomes an Act of the Scottish Parliament.
The U.S. attorney identified those Assent employees as Laurence McKeever and Samuel Childs.
The bill has received royal assent but it is still not in force.
If 90% or more give their assent, the deal will go ahead automatically.
At worst, they are engaging in these activities with Yeltsin's approval and assent.
Mr. Klein supports Mr. Cuomo's efforts on abortion but can't bring the bill to the floor without Mr. Skelos's assent.
After a seven-hour debate on Tuesday, members of the lower house gave their assent to the Criminal Laws (Amendment) Bill.
The bill gained Royal Assent in March 2012, more than 14 months after first being tabled in the House of Commons.
Had the motion been backed by the synod, the proposed legislation would have made its way through Parliament before receiving royal assent.
Mr Allawi can rule by decree, provided that all three members of the presidency (a Sunni, a Shia and a Kurd) assent.
One man who publicly nods his assent believes it is also evil.
In fact, Yeltsin's aides say, he did not assent to NATO expansion.
It is hoped the bill will receive Royal Assent by Spring 2002.
But Afghanistan cannot continue for long without politicians who command wide assent.
In March, the government's Welfare Reform Act received Royal Assent.
Uganda would probably approve such a plan, and Rwanda might assent, so long as Angolan troops did not come too close to its borders.
Mr Howe added that the new Wildlife and Countryside Act, which gained Royal Assent earlier this year, should further help to protect endangered species.
But he said these reservations had been taken into account in the legislation which became law on Thursday when it received the Royal Assent.