Yet as I wrote at the time, what he was asserting was a physical impossibility.
Sanford has also been hammering Colbert Busch, asserting that political out-of-state interests are funding her campaign.
Companies have to ask employees for documentation asserting their legality but aren't required to verify it.
In asserting its strength, Paris may cause Berlin to become more assertive in its own right.
Iran insists its purposes are purely civilian, asserting it needs enriched uranium to make medical isotopes.
BBC: Obama Nowruz message: Iran must 'reduce nuclear tension'
Yet I find that asserting oneself in the workplace still remains a challenge for many women.
FORBES: Revisiting the Double-Bind Dilemma: You Are Actually Doomed If You Don't
Other companies have denied employees severance pay by asserting they were terminated because of poor performance.
WSJ: Firms That Get Stingy With Layoff Packages May Pay a High Price
On his website Joel Tenenbaum says that he counter-claimed "asserting abuse of federal power".
Some suspect Mr Balls of asserting his own leadership ambitions behind the scenes now.
Many Indians see the country's nuclear program as key to asserting its influence on world affairs.
The defense rested, asserting an oblivious Taubman is being victimized by a conniving Dede Brooks.
In his comments he appeared detached, asserting only last week that "Italy does not feel this crisis".
Phone designers that simply bent to carriers' wills paid the price for not asserting any real control.
ENGADGET: Editorial: The Galaxy S III in the US is giving Samsung a backbone
Top performing companies are more creative with their business models and more proactive about asserting their patents.
It is also a powerful connector as it brings together people celebrating and asserting their cultural identities.
By asserting Israel's right to be recognized as a Jewish state, Netanyahu is weakening Israel, she said.
Samsung is also asserting that Apple violated several patents it holds related to wireless standards and other features.
The plan provoked a rash of complaints asserting Ticketmaster was monopolistic and gouging consumers with high service charges.
By asserting its patent on one-click shopping, it effectively disrupted its competitor's the crucial holiday shopping season.
Commodities have faded to the background instead of asserting its role as a leader of the current rally.
Others share that bigger vision that will sees Asia asserting itself on the world stage by projecting soft power.
Yes, he was asserting that Lady Thatcher had, like Labour's Clement Attlee before her, forged a new political consensus.
And in June 1995, this resulted in Greenpeace mistakenly asserting that there were over 5, 500 tonnes of oil left.
Skilling was aggressive in asserting his and Enron's innocence, which he did repeatedly.
But life took a turn in December, when after years of asserting his innocence, Nicholas was finally vindicated.
Hastings takes Tilson on point-by-point, asserting that he is wrong on all counts.
Apple is asserting three patents in the current case that touch on features associated with Android or Android apps.
The Labour opposition and sections of the Israeli press are unequivocal in asserting that this is precisely the case.
Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner announced the measure on Monday, saying she was asserting sovereignty over Argentina's energy resources.
The Ghanaian government denounced the deal from the beginning, asserting its rights to make its own preemptive bid for Kosmos.