In addition, these immigrants give birth to fewer children than their counterparts, possibly indicating cultural assimilation.
Thankfully, the technicians look nothing like cyborgs, and the goal is not the assimilation of humanity.
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Mahathir has now acknowledged that assimilation cannot succeed -- it is a multicultural, multiracial society.
Barack has written eloquently about the pressure of assimilation for members of minority groups.
Hamilton's second book, Sugar Hill, examines the double-edged sword of assimilation facing upwardly mobile Latinos.
Britain has historically had a reasonably good track record in the assimilation of minority populations.
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Even Britain, which until recently was congratulating itself on its successful assimilation of minorities, has become less complacent.
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And throughout our history there have been heated debates about immigration and assimilation in both of our countries.
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This is in stark contrast to other countries, such as neighboring 63rd-ranked Indonesia, which has subscribed to assimilation practices.
The story of Islam in America today is a story of rapid assimilation and even secularization, not growing radicalism.
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Rather, assimilation means gaining an understanding of each other, such that the two groups can retain their own identities.
Interestingly, some local Muslims have begun learning Welsh to help in their assimilation.
Billed as the first annual Index of Immigrant Assimilation, the study was written by Duke University Professor Jacob Vigdor.
The Russian immigrants are purposefully assimilating into Israeli society, says Dr Yakobson, and tradition-based behaviour is part of that assimilation.
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There is also a big difference on synthetic vs natural when it comes to bioavailability, absorption, and assimilation in the body.
Netanyahu's own lesson from the Spanish Inquisition is that for Jews, assimilation is as much of a utopian path as socialism.
Unfortunately, Hispanics fail to realize that assimilation accelerates their own identity crisis.
Many Hispanics will tell you that assimilation represents their path to advancement.
But the estimated 125, 000, living mostly in Calcutta and Madras, are enacting the same assimilation - marrying Indians and adopting their culture.
We all battle the gulf between assimilation and authenticity in the workplace.
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Another, paradoxical, reason may be that Jews in America are now threatened with extinction, not by persecution, but through assimilation and intermarriage.
The multiculturalism vs. assimilation debate has especially been prevalent in Europe.
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The film touches on Australia's "stolen generation" - victims of a government policy of assimilation that was in place until the late 1960s.
And we'll always be an experiment in that way - freedom and assimilation of different ethnic groups all living together in different cultures.
Of the attempts made to help the Indians, most were aimed at promoting their assimilation into the culture of the rest of Mexico.
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The Center for American Progress concluded that assimilation continues, though it may be disguised when there are a large number of visible newcomers.
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Jacob Vignor of Duke figured that cultural assimilation is lower than a century ago, but has been on the rise since the 1980s.
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Over the past few decades Malaysian leaders have, by and large, sought to encourage both national unity and individual diversity through integration, not assimilation.
But first, we go to Europe, which has seen two recent episodes of violence that raised troubling questions for many people about immigration and assimilation.
The right policy is a growing economy, non-burdensome immigration laws, a welfare system which promotes work, not dependency, and a culture of assimilation, not isolation.