• Despite recent American successes in cartel busting, Joel Klein, a former assistant attorney-general, has said this is only a small part of an iceberg of anti-competitive activity.

    ECONOMIST: Competition policy

  • " Rebecca Seidel, a deputy assistant attorney general, passed the Lam e-mail along, adding: "Sounds like she handled well.

    NPR: Congress, White House Clash on Hearing Rules

  • "And the nomination of Mr. Koh appears to be the beginning of a verytroubling pattern, " Lamborn told me, citing Justice Department nominees Dawn Johnsen ( assistant attorney general for legal counsel) and David Ogden (deputy attorney general) as cases of high-level Obama appointees who have histories of praising international law over U.S.-made law.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: House 'Sovereignty Caucus' Aimed at Koh

  • Recently, the Public Safety Working Group, led by co-chairs Assistant Secretary Betsy Markey (DHS) and Associate Attorney General Tony West (DOJ), accompanied Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to Puerto Rico to engage the local community and local and federal law enforcement stakeholders to addresses the issue of drug related violent crime on the island.

    WHITEHOUSE: Highlights of the President��s Unprecedented Commitment to the People of Puerto Rico | The White House

  • "T-Mobile has been an important source of competition among the national carriers, including through innovation and quality enhancements such as the roll-out of the first nationwide high-speed data network, " said Sharis A. Pozen, Acting Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Department of Justice's Antitrust Division.

    ENGADGET: US government files to block proposed AT&T / T-Mobile merger (update: companies respond)

  • Kyle Dube, 20, of Orono, Maine, was indicted Wednesday on kidnapping and murder charges in the death of 15-year-old Nichole Cable, according to Tim Feeley, special assistant to the Maine attorney general.


  • Joel Klein, former Assistant Attorney General for antitrust, hired Boies to litigate the government's case against Microsoft--despite the fact that he doesn't use a computer, not even for e-mail--because he believed Boies to be the best litigator in the country.

    CNN: Backstreet Boies

  • And Matthew Friedrich, principal deputy assistant attorney general at the Department of Justice, said that while there had been several high-profile cases against chief executives, naming the conviction of WorldCom 's Bernard Ebbers as one example, criminal cases against hedge fund managers accused of fraud have been rare.

    FORBES: Hedge Hogs

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