Assistant commissioner of police Rajinder Singh said Mr. Singh's body had been moved to a nearby hospital for a post mortem.
Delhi's assistant commissioner of police Rajinder Singh, who is part of a team investigating the gang rape, said Mr. Singh's body is undergoing a post mortem at a Delhi hospital.
Rajendra Singh, Delhi's assistant commissioner of police, who is part of a special task force investigating the Delhi rape case, said Mr. Singh's body had been moved to a nearby hospital for a post mortem.
The concerns of other minority police groups follow those expressed by the Met's Assistant Commissioner in charge of human resources, Bernard Howe.
"We are confident we have personally contacted all the people who have been hacked or are likely to have been hacked, " Sue Akers, the Metropolitan Police deputy assistant commissioner in charge of the probe, said in a statement.
Assistant Metropolitan Police Commissioner Mark Rowley said 28% of those arrested in London, about 1, 500 people a week, are foreign nationals.
The father-of-two was previously a deputy assistant commissioner with the Metropolitan Police.
Metropolitan Police Deputy Assistant Commissioner Brian Paddick said the initial estimates were of 150 seriously injured and "many more" walking wounded.
Assistant Commissioner Cressida Dick, who is in charge of counter-terrorism at the Metropolitan Police, told Parliament she thought only a credible report of "concurrent attacks" would justify using the enhanced powers.
BBC: New terror laws could be less effective, warns watchdog
The Met's Deputy Assistant Commissioner Steve Kavanagh has admitted there were not enough police to deal with the three days of rioting.
He also defended his chief of staff Ed Llewellyn's decision to decline an offer from former Met police Assistant Commissioner John Yates to brief Mr Cameron on the police's phone-hacking investigation.
BBC: Prime Minister David Cameron's statement on phone hacking
Police and Crime Commissioner Nick Alston has named one of the the Met's deputy assistant commissioners Stephen Kavanagh as his candidate for the job.
The barrister read out a transcript of a pre-trial hearing when it was alleged Mr Nadir had conspired with Met Police Assistant Commissioner Wyn Jones and another man to bribe Judge Tucker.
BBC: Asil Nadir trial: Polly Peck tycoon fled UK 'a broken man'