He is a former AssistantUnitedStatesAttorney for the Southern District of New York, having served in the Criminal Division of that office under the legendary Robert M.
From 2008 until 2010, Berg served as interim UnitedStatesAttorney and in 2010 he was detailed to be Acting First AssistantUnitedStatesAttorney in the Middle District of Georgia.
Berg has been an AssistantUnitedStatesAttorney in the Eastern District of Michigan since 1989, apart from a four-year stint from 1999 to 2003 when he served as Chief of the High Tech Crime Unit at the Michigan Department of the Attorney General.
Ashcroft sent a directive Thursday to the FBI, the INS, all UnitedStates attorneys and the Justice Department's assistantattorney general for the criminal division, outlining the new initiative.