The Religion and Society research group is holding a public debate in London on assisted suicide.
Her legal team argued that the ban on assisted suicide is discriminatory towards severely disabled people.
As well as Switzerland, assisted suicide is also legal in Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Belgium.
The ruling also gave permission for Gloria Taylor, one of five plaintiffs, to seek doctor-assisted suicide.
Last November, voters in Massachusetts narrowly defeated a measure legalizing physician-assisted suicide for the terminally ill.
In three states, it will even permit physicians to advise patients on assisted suicide.
The burden of such laws should be that assisted suicide is a last resort.
Former Lord Chancellor Lord Falconer had argued assisted suicide was in a legal "no-man's land".
British Columbia's Supreme Court has struck down a portion of Canada's criminal code that bans physician-assisted suicide.
The decision to open the door to assisted suicide is likely to be controversial, our correspondent adds.
He wants legislatures, not judges, to decide whether to decriminalise things like abortion, homosexual conduct or assisted suicide.
Phil Knight of Nike dubbed the tax initiatives Oregon's "assisted suicide" for business.
Yet even where the criteria for assisted suicide seem to be met satisfactorily, the moral difficulties do not disappear.
The group Care Not Killing, which has campaigned against assisted suicide, said it would be studying the new guidelines.
He insisted assisted suicide was still against the law and should remain so.
But in the case of assisted suicide, prosecutorial discretion will now be accepted as the norm rather than the exception.
Kevorkian also told Youk of his intent to use him to extend the national debate over assisted suicide to euthanasia.
To prevent the defense from using that evidence, prosecutors dropped the assisted suicide charge against Kevorkian, handicapping his defense strategy.
In a pre-trial ruling, the judge ruled that pain and suffering evidence was relevant to assisted suicide but not murder.
In October, Winner told The Times he was not frightened of death and had researched the issue of assisted suicide.
The majority of British people who follow a religious faith support the law being changed to allow assisted suicide, research suggests.
Whereas, one in 700 deaths in the US state of Oregon are from assisted suicide - voluntary euthanasia is not allowed.
Last November Oregon voters strongly approved a ballot initiative allowing doctor-assisted suicide.
But advocates of NuTech retort that this is all the more reason to legalise assisted suicide and bring it into the limelight.
His defense was shackled by a pretrial ruling that Youk's pain and suffering was only relevant to assisted suicide and not murder.
Apart from Switzerland, those places that allow assisted suicide have similar safeguards.
The widow of a man who travelled to Switzerland to end his life called for assisted suicide to be decriminalised in June 2007.
The medical examiner, who oversaw Youk's autopsy, has said in past that there is no such thing as assisted suicide, that it's murder.
Government officials had argued during the court hearing that assisted suicide would run counter to basic societal values and the will of parliament.