Tarrin is in damage-control mode, assuring the public that he would fully investigate Krung Thai's non-performing-loans.
Take away a subconscious worry by assuring customers the weather will be nice tomorrow.
We moved him into the Stryker, assuring him that no, we weren't arresting him.
Today deterrence comes from a more delicate balance of reducing proliferation, dissuading adversaries, and assuring allies.
The agreement will also include arrangements for assuring internal and external security and public order.
And we diligently dedicate ourselves every single day to assuring these things don't occur.
Mr Netanyahu is earnestly assuring potential rightist renegades that Wye is as good as dead.
He began working the back channels, privately assuring British officials that Wilkes had acted on his own.
So, we have what we have - which will be disappointing to some, but re-assuring to others.
The governor seemed to loosen that demand, assuring the city it would get its share of dollars.
The Navy thinks LOST will lighten its responsibility for assuring freedom of navigation with an ever-smaller fleet.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Protect US sovereignty: Sink the Law of the Sea
That's a re-assuring comment to both running backs, especially with the NFL trending to a more pass-happy focus.
An early focus was on making the equipment safe and on assuring diners that they wouldn't slip off.
Soon he was fielding calls from alarmed investors and assuring them he hadn't been questioned by the SEC.
By offering a long-term commitment, Bain was assuring clients that they would have continued counselling during the follow-through.
It could issue a new forecast, assuring investors that interest rates will stay at rock-bottom lows past 2014.
FORBES: Lackluster Job Growth Raises Likelihood Of Fed Action
Shrum kept assuring him that the interview would be prerecorded and could be taped whenever they got there.
"They're assuring customers this was a mistake and that they're going to rectify that, " Mr. Nides said on Wednesday.
WSJ: J.P. Morgan Asks Bloomberg for Data on What Information Reporters Had Access to
Assuring that the energy supplies are there to underpin economic growth is, in itself, a big and expensive challenge.
Let me start by assuring you that I am not a perpetual bear.
And although eurocrats were out in force assuring everyone that "a stronger framework" was in place, people remained perplexed.
In fact, a failure to act would have worsened our long-term deficit by assuring weak economic growth for years.
And that the stricter dress code was a means of assuring that.
FORBES: Major League Baseball's New Media Guidelines... And Are All Dress Codes Sexist?
This seeks to win over the population by assuring their security, creating the conditions for stability and isolating militants.
Both airlines issued statements Wednesday assuring the public of their commitment to safety.
CNN: US Airways, United face FAA fines for safety violations
This goes a long way in establishing credibility and in assuring students ability to apply their education in their lives.
Plainly, persuading Filipinos that a top official is clean seems about as hard as assuring them that justice is done.
Journalists are being asked to sign letters assuring the government that they did not receive the information from Dr Makgoba.
Just because a contract was signed a decade ago assuring them of the money no matter the impact on the company?
France's foreign minister has urged Mali's government to begin a process of reconciliation, assuring the war-torn country of continued military support.