But no sooner did Barack Obama ascend to the Presidency, then the country split asunder.
BMW. In a Solomon-like solution, the firm's British nameplates were split asunder after a 70-year marriage.
Microsoft has said that it would consider entering the phone game if its partnership with Nokia went asunder.
We share a common interest in resolving conflicts that prolong human suffering and threaten to tear whole regions asunder.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Addresses the British Parliament
Rumpelstiltskin actually grabs one leg at the end of his story and rips himself asunder--all right, I kind of like that one.
The rest was a pile of twisted metal and planks torn asunder.
WSJ: After Oklahoma Tornadoes, Rescue Efforts Focus on Survivors
Imagine families torn asunder by Scrabble and whole lives lost in poker.
FORBES: PS4: Polygon Counts Have Nothing to Do With Emotion in Games
He saw those changes then take place with incredible speed when the Berlin Wall came down and the Iron Curtain was pulled asunder.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Tusk Press Conference
Our strategies must be rational, flexible and sober-minded if we are to chart a forward course rather than be thrown asunder by the coming storm.
Or the Gemini stream could be a remnant of another as yet undetected dwarf galaxy still in the process of being torn asunder by gravitational tidal interactions within our own Milky Way.
FORBES: Astronomers Confirm Milky Way's Most Distant Stellar Stream
If the law passed, we were warned, Israel's democracy would be rent asunder as judicial nominees would be forced to toe the line of nefarious political forces yanking at their newly nailed on strings.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Netanyahu's misleading lessons in governance
But as any marriage counsellor will admit, there is not much you can do in a situation in which people are truly determined to put asunder a partnership which they once regarded as joined together by the hand of God.
Regional stability is thrown asunder.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Strategic foundations of the US-Israel alliance