Albanian asylum-seekers are listed, as they have always been, as coming from the former Yugoslavia.
In Hungary, asylum-seekers, including children, were held and sometimes ill-treated in detention centres, despite government denials.
Asylum-seekers are not allowed to work in Britain, and opportunities for legal economic migration are slim.
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They forgot, for instance, their promise to set up a screening centre for asylum-seekers in Tehran.
Because of such difficulties, countries try harder and harder to stop asylum-seekers ever reaching their shores.
At present, we have around 400 asylum-seekers, which in a small town like Dover is a lot.
If they are worried only about asylum-seekers (and, perhaps, illegal immigrants) it is good news for Labour.
Furthermore, the Court of Appeal has ruled that local councils can only provide for asylum-seekers in kind.
The question facing the parties now is whether Britons are hostile to asylum-seekers or to immigrants in general.
Banai hopes that the Israeli government will verify who are asylum-seekers and give them viable ways to support themselves.
Not surprisingly, the Tories have therefore made a determined effort to fudge the distinction between asylum-seekers and the rest.
Public anger over the past eight years has focused more on asylum-seekers than on any other kind of immigrant.
As for asylum-seekers, they will no longer be allowed to travel to Britain.
The flow of asylum-seekers depends in part on the level of instability in the more troubled areas of the world.
He and his ministers claimed asylum-seekers on one boat had thrown their children into the sea to intimidate the authorities.
Switzerland has recently opened an office in West Africa to try to determine where its rejected African asylum-seekers come from.
He is proposing a further clamp-down on asylum-seekers: per person, Switzerland gets far more refugee applications than any other sizeable European country.
Keith and Margaret Dolman, both unemployed with adult children, complain that the council is ignoring local homeless people and housing asylum-seekers instead.
Some dashed to the headland, only to watch helplessly as a wooden boat carrying as many as 100 asylum-seekers smashed against rocks.
ECONOMIST: A tragic sinking revives a debate about boat people
However panic-stricken they are, Iraqi asylum-seekers do not simply show up anywhere.
More recently it has accepted many asylum-seekers from flashpoints around the world.
During 1992, the worst year of the war in Bosnia, the total number of asylum-seekers in Britain from former Yugoslavia stood at 5, 635.
And, more recently, welfare for asylum-seekers from places such as Kosovo that can no longer be deemed zones of conflict has been reduced.
Better still, asylum-seekers find Britain easy to disappear into once they have arrived and added their application to the heap of cases pending.
As the Labour Party has been quick to point out, this discrepancy shows that the fiery Tory talk on asylum-seekers was hot air.
Mr Blair is no liberal, splutters Mr Kennedy: just look at New Labour's authoritarian record on asylum-seekers, jury trials, civil liberty and all the rest.
However, in the report, the group said that approval rates for Iraqi asylum-seekers in the European Union member states vary between 1 and 80 percent.
In 1998, up to the end of October, the number of asylum-seekers claiming to be from former Yugoslavia (almost all Albanians or Kosovars) was 6, 335.
And an opinion poll in August showed 53% of Australians believed asylum-seekers arriving by boat should be allowed to land and be processed in Australia.
Critics say the system stigmatises asylum-seekers, and is chaotic and expensive.