The Bicester inquiry is the first into government proposals for large asylum seeker complexes.
Formal hearings often use interpreters to translate what an asylum seeker says word for word.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Refugees 'failed by translators'
By 2005, about one in every eight pupils at Drumchapel High was an asylum seeker.
He now has the status of asylum seeker though it could be years before his claim is ever processed.
However, the Crown Office later confirmed the details of three charges faced by Burrell, including the alleged murder of the asylum seeker.
In practice, however, it is difficult to prove that an asylum seeker showing up on Britain's doorstep first entered Europe through France.
The man, a failed asylum seeker, is now in custody awaiting deportation.
Pirzada, 50, an asylum seeker from Afghanistan, had admitted two counts of fraud and one of obtaining a financial advantage by deception.
The Crown Prosecution Service has reaffirmed its decision not to prosecute police officers over the death of Shiji Lapite, a Nigerian asylum seeker.
He came to the United Kingdom in 2006 on a student visa but stayed on after it expired, claiming to be an asylum seeker.
The European Court of Human Rights has fined Belgium and Greece over their treatment of an Afghan asylum seeker, saying his rights were violated.
The Home Affairs Select Committee said 124, 000 asylum seeker and immigration cases had been "dumped" in an archive, with the agency giving up on them.
And yet the government evidently doubts the efficacy of the dispersal policy: last week David Blunkett, the home secretary, announced a review of the scheme, following the murder of an asylum seeker in Glasgow.
The government requested in August 2007 that Mr Mohamed be returned to the UK. He came to the UK as an asylum seeker in 1994 and his asylum claim was never finally determined but he was given leave to remain.
Asylum-seeker Najib Hashimi, 18, was permitted to return to the home of his foster family in Faversham on Thursday pending the outcome of an appeal.
Jeff, a failed asylum-seeker from Zimbabwe, describes nine years in Britain being bounced from one agency to another, unable to work and afraid to return home.
The figures also suggest much of the increase was among children who had been placed with new carers, were from refugee or asylum-seeker families, were moving after a family breakdown, or who had had difficulties at a previous school.
BBC: Poor pupils who switch school mid-year 'at disadvantage'