And just to have a laugh at the end of all this, just to like take a breath and say, man, at least give me a good feeling that there is hope.
Not a whole lot of folks are eager to have onion breath at 9 a.m.
It's like wondering how many times I take a deep breath, or look at a clock.
As you continue to come through your ordeal, just remember to take one day, one hour, one breath at a time.
This is Queensland at its most green, and a breath of fresh air from the muggy lowlands.
He warned Republicans spending cuts couldn't be at the expense of (take a deep breath to read the whole shopping list) investment in infrastructure, investment in jobs, education, training, research or new technology.
While cautious purchasers may choose to bide their time, the iPhone remains top-notch in many other respects, and its arrival at a number of prepaid carriers brought a breath of fresh air to an otherwise stagnant environment.
He arrives like a breath of fresh air at the home of his sister and her family which includes his niece, Charlotte (Teresa Wright), also nicknamed Charlie, a whip-smart recent high-school graduate who falls in love with him even as her own suspicions are raised.
Neutrogena shine-control sheets will keep oiliness at bay, and a toothbrush or mouthwash fight coffee breath and lunch leftovers.
At 16, 000 feet, the Skylane goes 190 miles an hour, but at those altitudes one must strap on a nasal canula and breath oxygen (see photo).
Just a few years ago, the twin blocs of countries in favour of and opposed to whaling slung verbal darts at each other all week long with barely a pause for breath.
Without warning, or at least without one that you can determine, nearly an entire roost, hundreds of birds, will take flight at once in a whoosh of wings and trills that will take your breath away.
Richard Hubbard, professor of respiratory epidemiology at Nottingham City Hospital and a spokesman for the British Lung Foundation, said breath analysis was already being used to diagnose children with asthma.
My next memory involves being at the bottom of a Costa Rican river wondering which direction was up and holding my breath while I waited for my life-preserver to sort things out which it did.
"The most important thing for Congress is to take a deep breath, " says Dan Tokaji, an election-law expert at Ohio State University.
Once inside I discovered a world filled with breath taking rocks and minerals everywhere, glistening fresh water at the bottom and hundreds of bats sleeping overhead.
FORBES: The Brooklyn-Grown Archeological Shop Inspired by Sacred Mayan Sinkholes
America watched with bated breath as the Curiosity Rover touched down on Mars, inspiring a few enterprising geeks at BattleBricks to immortalize the rover in miniature Lego form.
For those whose weight gain may be due in part to the activity of M. smithii, controlling the organisms with antibiotics or other medications could slow down the rate at which they pack on the pounds, and these individuals could easily be identified with a relatively simple breath test.
Five of the cases were pregnant women, all but one of the cases had a fever at the time of admission, and other common symptoms included vomiting, coughing and shortness of breath, she said.
CNN: Official: Closing schools in face of swine flu may not be best choice
For today, take a look at this, a New York Times article that does talk about growth, jobs and Wales in the same breath.
At 03:00 BST on 8 April, Donovan passed a sobriety test, which involved an officer smelling his breath, when he woke up for his guard duty, despite having been drinking before his shift.
When it comes to fiction, Tim Winton's Cloudstreet is probably the must-read novel, although I thought Breath was brilliant at making sense of the joy and wonder of surfing to people who have never ridden a wave.