Gmail for business had just been launched, and the enterprise operation was growing at a clip.
But broadcast is still the only venue that can draw 20 million viewers at a clip.
And now it intends to accept new top-level domain names at a clip of up to 1, 000 annually.
The Chinese banking regulator estimated that segment of public finance has grown at a clip of 25% year over year.
But Web spending is rising at a clip of 19% per year, including an expected 43% hike on ads attached to blogs.
Is it worrisome that this off-the-radar segment of China finances is estimated by CBRC to be growing at a clip of 25% year over year?
While applications for SunPower panels is strong this year, up 88% over the same period last year, it is lagging the overall market, which is growing at a clip of 190%.
If the global trend continues for the next 20 years, then global growth in the 21st century will ring in at a clip superior to the historic period we call the Great Dollar Standard Era from the breakdown of Bretton Woods in 1971 through the palliative Y2K freakout.
Similarly, puts have been bought to open at a notable clip at the International Securities Exchange (ISE), Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), and NASDAQ OMX PHLX (PHLX).
While creating a specialty department store sounds like a great idea, the reality of losing sales and earnings at a faster clip than has ever been seen in a major American retailer must give the Board pause.
And the economy is growing at quite a clip: even in nominal terms, GDP expanded at an annual rate of 2.6% in the fourth quarter of last year.
But the main idea in the budget is this: At a time when our economy is growing and creating jobs at a faster clip, we've got to do everything in our power to keep this recovery on track.
At the moment prices for oil and the other natural resources Russia exports in abundance are quite high, which, at least in the past, resulted in a situation in which the economy grew at a healthy clip.
According to the documents filed with the SEC, LinkedIn has been growing at a rapid clip.
Two recent surveys suggest they are embracing cloud for both end-user applications at a rapid clip.
The Food and Drug Administration has been approving new drugs at a fast clip.
FORBES: A Note to The Pharmaceutical Industry Upon The Re-Election Of Barack Obama
The balance sheet is fine now, and the company is buying back stock at a healthy clip.
The economy has been growing at a steady clip of about 5% for the past five years.
Change continues to occur at a faster clip than ever before, and it is unlikely to let up.
FORBES: Prolonged Unemployment: Problem Solve, Cope and Stay Resilient
The few, like Dyn, that can get that far are the ones that create jobs at a healthy clip.
FORBES: 7.8% Unemployment: In Hungry Start-up Era, Jobs Not Coming Back
But if Sirius and XM continue adding subscribers at a steady clip--and avoid churn--the high-stakes gamble may pay off.
Remarkably, the ARPU of MetroPCS is declining even though the carrier is signing up LTE subscribers at a steady clip.
The Organic Exchange says that long-term commitments from big retailers now mean organic output is growing at a rapid clip.
ECONOMIST: Organic clothing: How green is your wardrobe? | The
Led by burgeoning info-tech revolution at home, India's export of services has grown at a rapid clip in the past decade.
Such hip-hop heavyweights as Jay-Z, Linkin Park and Nas are pushing out new vinyl at a record clip, so to speak.
This autumn it is growing at a fair clip - and I would be surprised if it slows down in November.
And of course, the market is growing at a rapid clip, especially for operators like Apple (Nasdaq:AAPL) and Google (Nasdaq:GOOG).
But healthy economic growth requires that China expand its service sector and create higher-skilled manufacturing jobs at a rapid clip to compensate.
WSJ: China Manufacturers Survive by Moving to Asian Neighbors
But thanks to Vudu, a nonsubscription streaming service owned by Wal-Mart, the retailer has been gaining market share at a rapid clip.